Page 281 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 281

15.1 Review Problems                                                                          281

                      To diagonalize a real symmetric matrix, begin by building an orthogonal
                   matrix from an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors, as in the example below.

                   Example 142 The symmetric matrix

                                                          2 1
                                                   M =          ,
                                                          1 2

                                                           1         1
                   has eigenvalues 3 and 1 with eigenvectors  and       respectively. After normal-
                                                           1       −1
                   izing these eigenvectors, we build the orthogonal matrix:
                                                         1   1  !
                                                        √    √
                                                         2    2
                                                 P =             .
                                                        √ 1  −1
                                                         2    2
                   Notice that P P = I. Then:
                                               3    1  !     1   1  !      !
                                              √    √        √    √     3 0
                                                2   2        2    2
                                     MP =               =                    .
                                              √ 3  −1       √ 1  −1    0 1
                                                2   2        2    2
                   In short, MP = PD, so D = P MP. Then D is the diagonalized form of M
                   and P the associated change-of-basis matrix from the standard basis to the basis of
                                                  3 × 3 Example

                   15.1      Review Problems

                                         Reading Problems             1    , 2   ,
                                 Diagonalizing a symmetric matrix         3, 4

                      1. (On Reality of Eigenvalues)
                          (a) Suppose z = x + iy where x, y ∈ R, i =       −1, and z = x − iy.
                              Compute zz and zz in terms of x and y. What kind of numbers
                              are zz and zz? (The complex number z is called the complex
                              conjugate of z).
                         (b) Suppose that λ = x + iy is a complex number with x, y ∈ R, and
                              that λ = λ. Does this determine the value of x or y? What kind
                              of number must λ be?

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