Page 261 - 35Linear Algebra
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14.4 Gram-Schmidt & Orthogonal Complements                                                    261

                      We can check that P P = I by a lengthy computation, or more simply, notice

                                                        T  
                                                        u 1
                                          (P P) =      T 
                                                         2    u 1 u 2 u 3
                                                        u T
                                                              
                                                        1 0 0
                                                  =    0 1 0   .
                                                        0 0 1
                   Above we are using orthonormality of the u i and the fact that matrix multiplication
                   amounts to taking dot products between rows and columns. It is also very important
                   to realize that the columns of an orthogonal matrix are made from an orthonormal
                   set of vectors.

                   Orthonormal Change of Basis and Diagonal Matrices. Suppose D is a diagonal
                   matrix and we are able to use an orthogonal matrix P to change to a new basis. Then
                   the matrix M of D in the new basis is:

                                              M = PDP    −1  = PDP .

                   Now we calculate the transpose of M.

                                                              T T
                                               M T   = (PDP )
                                                           T T
                                                     = (P ) D P    T
                                                     = PDP   T
                                                     = M

                   The matrix M = PDP   T  is symmetric!

                   14.4      Gram-Schmidt & Orthogonal Complements

                   Given a vector v and some other vector u not in span {v} we can construct
                   the new vector

                                                v := v −    u · v  u .
                                                            u · u

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