Page 217 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 217

                   11.1 Bases in R .                                                                             217

                   a basis for R , and dim R = n. This basis is often called the standard
                   or canonical basis for R . The vector with a one in the ith position and
                   zeros everywhere else is written e i . (You could also view it as the function
                   {1, 2, . . . , n} → R where e i (j) = 1 if i = j and 0 if i 6= j.) It points in the
                   direction of the ith coordinate axis, and has unit length. In multivariable
                                                                ˆ ˆ ˆ
                   calculus classes, this basis is often written {i, j, k} for R .
                      Note that it is often convenient to order basis elements, so rather than
                   writing a set of vectors, we would write a list. This is called an ordered
                   basis. For example, the canonical ordered basis for R is (e 1 , e 2 , . . . , e n ). The
                   possibility to reorder basis vectors is not the only way in which bases are

                   Bases are not unique. While there exists a unique way to express a vector in terms
                   of any particular basis, bases themselves are far from unique. For example, both of
                   the sets

                                            1     0            1      1
                                               ,       and        ,
                                            0     1            1    −1
                   are bases for R . Rescaling any vector in one of these sets is already enough to show
                   that R has infinitely many bases. But even if we require that all of the basis vectors
                   have unit length, it turns out that there are still infinitely many bases for R (see
                   review question 3).

                      To see whether a set of vectors S = {v 1 , . . . , v m } is a basis for R , we have
                   to check that the elements are linearly independent and that they span R .
                   From the previous discussion, we also know that m must equal n, so lets
                   assume S has n vectors. If S is linearly independent, then there is no non-
                   trivial solution of the equation

                                              0 = x v 1 + · · · + x v n .
                   Let M be a matrix whose columns are the vectors v i and X the column
                   vector with entries x . Then the above equation is equivalent to requiring
                   that there is a unique solution to

                                                     MX = 0 .

                      To see if S spans R , we take an arbitrary vector w and solve the linear
                                                     1            n
                                              w = x v 1 + · · · + x v n

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