P. 8

1.2 Direction for using this Module

                       To be well equipped with the necessary knowledge and competent care for a

                       patient with skin infections by using this module; follow these directions first:
                       -  Try to study and answer all the questions in the pre-test that is for all

                          categories in the core module, and the specific questions to your category in
                          the respective satellite module

                       -  After the pretest go through the core module

                       -  Each category of the health center team should read their respective satellite

                       -  Answer all the questions in the pretest and compare your results using the
                          keys after finishing the core and satellite modules.

                       -  Study and discuss the specific learning objectives, activities and roles of each
                          category of the health center team.

               1.3 Purpose and use of this Module

               Lack of appropriate and relevant teaching materials are some of the problems that
               hinder training of effective, competent task oriented professionals who are well versed

               with the knowledge, attitudes and skills that would enable them to solve the problems of
               the community. Preparation of such teaching materials is an important milestone in an

               effort towards achieving these long-term goals.

               Therefore, this module is prepared to facilitate the process of equipping trainees with

               adequate knowledge and skills through interactive teaching mainly focused on the most
               common skin diseases.

               The module can be used in the basic training  of health center teams in the training
               institutions and training of  health center teams who are already working in the

               community, health workers and care givers. However, it is not intended to replace
               standard textbooks or reference materials.

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