P. 4
Teaching –learning is a challenge under all circumstances. It is even more challenging
in developing countries like Ethiopia where textbooks are scarce, learning materials few,
teachers overwhelmed and conditions unfavorable. Moreover, many of the learning
materials such as textbooks are often bulky and at times not suitable to the conditions
existing in the home country.
This module is prepared specifically for the health centre team, which must learn to
work effectively together. The health centre team is basically involved in primary care at
the grass-root level. Most of the activities concentrate on health promotion,
identification and treatment of common illnesses, and disease prevention and control.
This module addresses common skin diseases, which are a major public health problem
in Ethiopia. It consists of a core module and five satellite modules. The Core Module is
prepared for health officers, pubic health nurses, environmental health, medical
laboratory technology students and Health extension Workers.
We believe that the essentials of common skin infections should be known by all
categories. Therefore the satellite modules are prepared to strengthen the professional
training of each category. On top of that they supplement what is included in the Core
It should be pointed out that this module is not supposed to replace textbooks. This
module does show clearly that it is essential to consider the teacher, the students, the
learning materials and the circumstances together. It is hoped that the reading of this
module will stimulate teachers to produce teaching materials that are problem-based
and learner centered.