Page 2 - Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of Skin Cancers
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Technical Brief

               Number 11

               Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques

               for the Detection of Skin Cancers

               Prepared for:
               Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
               U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
               540 Gaither Road
               Rockville, MD 20850

               Contract No. 290-2007-10055-1

               Prepared by:
               Tufts University Evidence-based Practice Center
               Boston, MA

               Susan K. Parsons, M.D., M.R.P., Project Lead
               Jeffery A. Chan, B.S.
               Winifred W. Yu, M.S., R.D.
               Ndidiamaka Obadan, M.D., M.Sc.
               Sara J. Ratichek, M.A.
               Jounghee Lee, Ph.D.
               Srila Sen, M.A., Editor
               Stanley Ip, M.D.

               AHRQ Publication No. 11-EHC085-EF
               September 2011
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