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HSROC model results were used to create plots of estimated sum-  definitions of an abnormal test were present, only data that had
                mary curves, summary points and confidence regions, superim-  been measured using the same definitions were combined.
                posed on study-specific estimates of sensitivity and specificity.
                We provided summary measures of diagnostic accuracy for:
                                                                Sensitivity analyses
                  1. all studies regardless of CAD threshold on coronary
                angiography                                     Where differences were present across studies, we controlled for
                                                                heterogeneity by conducting sensitivity analyses. In particular, we
                  2. studies that reported ≥ 70% stenosis threshold for
                diagnosis of significant CAD on coronary angiography.  investigated diagnostic accuracy in studies that:
                                                                 1. aimed to provide both index tests and reference tests to
                Pairwise comparisons of test performance among alternative index
                tests were performed using data from studies where comparisons  their study population (studies that avoided verification bias)
                                                                 2. applied a threshold of diagnosis of severe CAD of ≥ 70%
                between tests were made in the same study population (direct com-
                parison) or in different study populations (indirect comparison).  stenosis on coronary angiography
                                                                 3. consisted entirely of asymptomatic individuals (studies that
                A covariate of test type was included in the modelling to assess if
                the SROC curves for tests differed in shape, or overall accuracy.  excluded patients who had either symptoms of cardiac disease or
                                                                a history of ischaemic heart disease).
                When comparing the relative performance of two index tests, we
                initially assumed equal variances for random effects for the tests,
                but extended the models to accommodate unequal variances for
                random effects where required.
                In studies reporting multiple tests in the same participants, results  R E S U L T S
                were expressed separately for each test component.

                                                                Results of the search
                Investigations of heterogeneity
                                                                The results of electronic database and handsearching are outlined
                Factors that could influence diagnostic accuracy other than true  in Figure 1. There were no disagreements between authors about
                test performance included those relating to methodological quality  either the number of studies eligible for inclusion, nor data re-
                and study design, characteristics of the underlying population, and  sults (κ = 1.0). We identified 26 reports of 25 studies (35 compar-
                characteristics of the index and reference test. We detailed and  isons in total). Seven studies compared more than one test versus
                compared patient inclusion criteria for each included study. We  coronary angiography, and were interrogated to contribute data
                also investigated heterogeneity statistically by:  to more than one test comparison (De Lima 2003; Gang 2007;
                  1. applying separate models to different subgroups  Garcia-Canton 1998; Garg 2000; Sharma 2005; Sharma 2009;
                  2. adding covariates to the hierarchical model.  Vandenberg 1996). One study was reported twice (Sharma 2005),
                Factors such as differences in study population characteristics (e.g.  and one study (Sharples 2004) could not contribute to the meta-
                prevalence of chest pain, hypertension and diabetes) and test ap-  analysis because it reported results per coronary vessel, but not per
                plication (diagnostic test threshold, criteria for positive test, choice  patient. The diagnostic and treatment pathway is presented at the
                of stress agent and stress protocol, and operator variability) were  patient level, but including vessel-level analysis lead to inappro-
                used to explore any heterogeneity discovered in the analysis for  priate weighting in the combined analysis, and the potential for
                each test separately, and to assess the impact of heterogeneity on  bias from clustering of patients’ results. The details of all studies
                the relative accuracy across tests.             included in the meta-analysis are reported in Characteristics of
                For index tests such as ECG and echocardiography, where different  included studies and Table 2.

                Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients (Review)  6
                Copyright © 2011 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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