Page 13 - Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients
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Findings                                        (left ventricular dysfunction or cardiomegaly) and CAD. Three
                We identified 13 studies (745 participants) that evaluated DSE;  studies (263 participants) investigated the relationship between
                nine studies (582 participants) of MPS; two exercise EST stud-  abnormal resting ECG and CAD. No studies of diagnostic test
                ies (129 participants), and one study investigated each of EBCT  accuracy were identified for CT coronary angiography, cardiopul-
                (97 participants), DSF (86 participants), exercise ventriculogra-  monary exercise testing, magnetic resonance angiography, or car-
                phy (35 participants) and CIMT (105 participants). Two stud-  diac magnetic resonance imaging.
                ies (265 participants) investigated the relationship between rest-  A forest plot of the study estimates of sensitivity and specificity
                ing wall motion abnormality on resting transthoracic echocardio-  for each test is shown in Figure 4. Figure 5 depicts the SROC plot
                graphy and significant CAD. One study (125 participants) also  of sensitivity and specificity, arranged by test comparison, for all
                investigated the relationship between mitral annulus calcification  studies (with one exception) identified and included in the meta-
                on echocardiography and CAD. Another study (52 participants)  analysis. Jassal 2007 was not included because sensitivity could
                investigated the relationship between abnormal echocardiography  not be calculated due to a lack of patients with CAD.

                Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients (Review)  11
                Copyright © 2011 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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