Page 257 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C1.3. Trends in mortality rates (per 100,000 person-yr unless otherwise stated) or survival (continued)
 Author   Database   Groups    1980-84   1985-89   1990-94   1995-99   2000-04   2005-10   Statistical   Notes
 Year   (yr)                                           analysis
 Merrill    SEER   Local      Referent   Referent   Referent         OR (95% CI)   Data were
 2000   Regional   2.36 (2.02,  2.49 (2.16,   2.36     for death        reported
 10792091   Distant   2.76)   2.89)   (2.05,           from prostate    only for
 Unknown   5.21 (4.61,  6.95 (6.14,   2.71)            cancer vs.       White and
 5.89)   7.87)   6.35                                  non-prostate     Black
 2.16 (1.85,  2.13 (1.86,   (5.59,                     cancer,          patients.
 2.53)   2.43)   7.21)                                 stratified by
 (1988-89)   (1992-93)   1.73                          stage.
 Merrill    SEER   Local      22%   22%   19%          NR               Excluded in
 2000   Regional   45%   45%   41%                                      situ cancer
 10647666   Distant   64%   67%   63%                                   cases for
 Unknown   41%   36%   32%                                              this
 Percentage of   (1988)   (1992)   (1995)                               analysis.
 prostate cancer
 deaths out of                                                          Additional
 all deaths                                                             information
 observed                                                               is
 among                                                                  presented
 prostate cancer                                                        in Figure 4
 patients                                                               of the
 Barnholtz-Sloan    SEER-  Distant   0.32      0.36 (0.33,            NR   Only
 2003   Detroit   prostate cancer  (0.30,   0.39)                       patients
 14575366   [5-year relative   0.34)   (1990-1997)                      with distant
 survival rates]   (1980-                                               prostate
 1989)                                                                  cancer

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