Page 116 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Table 11. Monitoring parameters in cohorts that did not report information on triggers for intervention in chronological order of starting
 enrollment year (continued)

 Center, Country   Monitoring   PSA   Gleason   # biopsy   Imaging   Behavioral   Additional laboratory   Triggers for
 [Pubmed ID]   schedule   score   cores /%   indication   tests   interventions
 Enrollment   cores
 BCCA,   PSA generally every 3-6 mo as needed   √   –   –        –    –    –    NR
 Canada 157

 Kansas City VA,   PSA every 3 mo and a repeat TRUS   √   –   All biopsies were performed using a standard 12-core   –   –   –   NR
 US 158    guided prostate biopsy at 1 yr   biopsy scheme, but increased number if larger glands

 WW = watchful waiting; EM = expectant management; NR = not reported; DT = doubling time; mo = month(s); PAP = prostate acid phosphatase; PSA = prostate specific antigen;
 TRUS = Transrectal ultrasound; CT = computerized tomography; PSA = prostate-specific antigen; TNM = tumor-node-metastasis system; US = ultrasound; yr = year(s); BCCA =
 British Columbia Cancer Agency
 √ = item was used as part of monitoring strategy but explicit criteria were not defined
 – = item was not used or not reported as part of monitoring strategy
 a  The authors reported that five physicians in a nonstandardized fashion followed patients, although a relatively similar pattern of care was provided.

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