Page 108 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 108

Figure 6. Followup frequencies of 13 unique cohorts of observational management strategies with
               palliative intent (continued)
                                 Year               1            2            3           4            5
                                                         1  1  1  2   2  2  3  3  3   3  4  4  4  5  5   5  6
                WW cohort        Month          3  6  9  2  5  8  1  4  7  0  3  6  9  2  5  8  1  4  7  0
                Hospitals in
               region 148        PSA               √     √     √     √      √     √      √     √     √      √
                                 Bone scan                            Probably not routine
                University of
               Florida 149       PSA            √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √
                                 DRE            √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √  √
                                 Rebiopsy          √
               Legends: √* = every 3 mo for the first 5 yr; every 4-6 mo thereafter; √** = usually every 6 mo but followup regimens varied
               among local practices. Merged cell represents a range of followup frequency; for example, a merged cell of 3 and 6 mo with a
               check mark in the middle of the merged cell means a followup frequency of 3 to 6 mo. PAP = prostate acid phosphatase
               HUCM = Howard University College of Medicine; Northern Stockholm = Northern Stockholm region in UK; SPCG-4 =
               Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group Study Number 4 trial; PIVOT= Prostate Cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial;
               Hospitals in Manchester region= University Hospital of South Manchester, Withington Hospital, Christie Hospital; Hope
               a  Cohorts of watchful waiting in chronological order of starting enrollment year. See Table 8 for more detailed monitoring
               criteria in each cohort.
               b  The authors reported that all patients underwent “multiple bone scans” during followup and all had normal findings.

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