Page 213 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 213

Appendix H: Evidence tables

 Bibliographic details   Study type and   Patient characteristics   Methodology and interventions   Results   Reviewers Comments
 Evidence level
          Bruising: OR 4.0 (1.8–8.8)
          Cephalohaematoma: OR 3.3 (1.1–10)
          Maternal age ≥ 25 years: OR 3.1 (1.2–8.1)
          Family history of jaundice: 6.0 (1.0–36.0);
          P = 0.05

          Risk Index scoring

          6 points each for exclusive breastfeeding
          and family HISTORY OF jaundice in a
          4 points each for bruising and Asian race,
          3 points each for cephalhematoma and
          maternal age ≥ 25 years,
          1 point for male sex, -2 points for black
          race, and 2(40-GA)

          Accuracy of Risk Index score in predicting
          significant hyperbilirubinaemia

          Overall c-statistic 0.85

          Risk index score < 10
          +LR: 0.2

          Risk index score > 10
          +LR: 2.2

          Risk index score > 20
          +LR: 18.2

 Newman TB et al.;   Study Type:   Cohort of all infants with   1) Frequency of jaundice noted   1) Frequency of jaundice noted in   Nested case–control study
    Nested case-   BW = 2000 g and GA = 36 weeks   in the medical record in term and   newborns within 24 hours of age (Kaplan
 Year: 2002   control study   born alive at 12 hospitals of a   near-term newborns less than   Meier survival estimates + no. with TSB   Some cases were included in 42290 –
       health maintenance organisation   24 hours old   measured)   should we excluded 42290
 Country: USA   Evidence Level: II   during a four year period
       (n = 105 384)                    Cases and controls taken from comparable
 10          2) Association of jaundice noted   Less than 18 hours of age   populations but exclusion criteria not well
    Cases: Babies with maximum TSB   in the first 24 hours after birth   3.8%   defined
    levels = 428 micromol/litre within   with the use of phototherapy and      Confounding variables controlled
 the first 30 days after birth   risk of developing   Less than 24 hours of age   Methodology described adequately but
 hyperbilirubinaemia after
 (n = 140)   controlling for confounding      exact number of babies with jaundice
    variables -   2) Association of jaundice noted within   noted in first 24 hours calculated with
 Controls: Random sample of             Kaplan Meier analysis
 babies from the cohort with      24 hours of age with risk factors (results of
 maximum TSB        bivariate analysis)
 levels = 428 micromol/litre
 (n = 631)   No statistically significant difference

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