Page 210 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 210

Neonatal jaundice

            Which factors affect the relationship between neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia and kernicterus or other adverse outcomes (neurodevelopmental,

              Bibliographic details   Study type and   Patient characteristics   Methodology and interventions   Results    Reviewers Comments
                               Evidence level

              Newman TB;       Study Type:   Cohort of all infants with   1) Relationship of clinical and   Maternal and prenatal factors associated   Unselected population but exclusion
                               Nested case-   BW = 2000 g and GA = 36 weeks   demographic factors associated   with significant hyperbilirubinaemia (those   criteria not defined
              Year: 2000       control study   born alive at 11 hospitals of a   with hyperbilirubinaemia   with P < 0.05 in bivariate analysis)   Confounding variables controlled for
                                             health maintenance organisation   evaluated by bivariate analysis              during multivariate analysis
              Country: USA     Evidence Level: II   during a two year period   and OR         Maternal factors              Test & Reference test described
                                             (n = 51 387)                                                                   adequately
              9                                                                                     Race,                  Reference test a standard test Blinding –
                                             Cases:                   2) Risk factors significant in the      maternal age,   Not reported
                                             Babies with maximum TSB levels   univariate model entered into      family history of jaundice in a
                                                                      multiple regression analysis to
                                             ≥ 427 micromol/litre within the   find independent predictors of      vacuum delivery
                                             first 30 days after birth   hyperbilirubinaemia – both by
                                             n = 73                   including and excluding early
                                             Mean BW: Not reported                            Neonatal factors
                                             Mean GA: Not reported    jaundice cases                Male sex,

                                             Gender: Males = 67.1%    Early jaundice cases (n = 14)      lower GA,
                                             Ethnicity: Not reported (only   defined as babies with TSB      early jaundice,
                                             maternal race specified)                               cephalohaematoma,
                                                                      exceeding recommended         bruising,
                                                                      phototherapy threshold for age      breastfeeding at time of
                                             Controls:                during birth hospitalisation,   discharge
                                             Random sample of babies from the   those given phototherapy during
                                                                      birth hospitalisation,
                                             cohort with maximum TSB levels                   Factors independently associated with
                                             < 427 micromol/litre     when jaundice noted at less than   significant hyperbilirubinaemia from
                                             n = 423                  20 hours of age and TSB not   multivariate regression analysis (OR with
                                                                      measured within 6 hours of that
                                             Mean BW: Not reported    time.                   95% CI)
                                             Mean GA: Not reported
                                             Gender: Males = 54.4%    3) Risk index developed by   All cases (n = 73)
                                             Ethnicity: Not reported (only
                                             maternal race specified)   assigning points equal to the OR
                                                                      for risk factors that were   Early jaundice: OR 7.3 (2.8–19)
                                                                      significant in the logistic
                                                                                              GA (per wk): OR 0.6 (0.4–0.7)
                                             For analyses examining the use of   regression model with the   Breastfeed only at discharge: OR 6.9 (2.7–
                                             phototherapy only, additional
                                             random sample of 30 babies with   exclusion of early jaundice cases,   17.5)
                                             maximum TSB levels of 342 to   and predictive accuracy   Asian race: OR 3.1 (1.5–6.3)
                                             426 micromol/litre added to the   compared by the c-statistic   Bruising: OR 3.5 (1.7–7.4)
                                                                                              Cephalohaematoma: OR 3.2 (1.1–9.2)
                                                                      (equal to area under ROC curve)
                                             control group                                    Maternal age ≥ 25 years: OR 2.6 (1.1–9.2)

                                             Exclusion criteria:      Reference standard:
                                             Not defined              Significant hyperbilirubinaemia   Cases excluding early jaundice (n = 59)
                                                                      defined as maximum TSB     GA (per wk): OR 0.6 (0.4–0.7)
                                                                      levels = 428 micromol/litre
                                                                      within the first 30 days after   Breastfeed only at discharge: 5.7 (2.1–

                                                                      birth.                  15.5)
                                                                                              Asian race: OR 3.5 (1.7–7.4)
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