Page 130 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 130

Formal assessment for the causes of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia

                         GDG translation from evidence
                         In term babies, jaundice at or beyond day 14 is defined as ‘prolonged jaundice’. In these babies,
                         a full clinical examination is crucial and key investigations include measurement of total and
                         conjugated bilirubin, urine culture and testing for G6PD deficiency (if appropriate).
                         The GDG is aware that many neonatal units use jaundice persisting at or beyond day 21 as the
                         definition of prolonged jaundice in preterm babies. There was no evidence available for review
                         on this aspect of prolonged jaundice, and  hence the  GDG saw no reason to change clinical
                         practice in this respect.
                         The importance of hypothyroidism as a cause of neonatal jaundice should be appreciated and
                         clinicians should check that babies with prolonged jaundice have undergone routine newborn
                         bloodspot screening. Infection and liver disease (e.g. biliary atresia and neonatal hepatitis) are
                         important underlying causes of prolonged jaundice and should be considered  if conjugated
                         hyperbilirubinaemia is identified.  Pale stools and dark urine staining the nappy  are  a well-
                         recognised  and  important  clue  to  possible liver  disease.  The GDG  is  aware  of  the  evidence
                         demonstrating better outcomes for babies with biliary atresia who are offered early surgery and
                         hence stresses  the urgency of seeking specialist advice when a high level (greater than
                         25 micromol/litre) of conjugated bilirubin is found.
                         The  GDG considered that, in the first instance, a consultant neonatologist or a  consultant
                         paediatrician should be consulted and cases subsequently referred to a specialist liver disease
                         centre if clinically indicated after appropriate investigation.

                          Recommendations – 6.2 Formal assessment of babies with prolonged jaundice
                          In babies with a gestational age of 37 weeks or more with jaundice lasting more than 14 days,
                          and in babies with a gestational age of less than 37 weeks with jaundice lasting more than
                          21 days:
                          •   look for pale chalky stools and/or dark urine that stains the nappy
                          •   measure the conjugated bilirubin
                          •   carry out a full blood count
                          •   carry out a blood group determination (mother and baby) and DAT (Coombs’ test).
                             Interpret the result taking account of the strength of reaction, and whether mother received
                             prophylactic anti-D immunoglobulin during pregnancy.
                          •   carry out a urine culture
                          •   ensure that routine metabolic screening (including screening for congenital
                             hypothyroidism) has been performed.
                          Follow expert advice about care for babies  with a conjugated bilirubin level  greater than
                          25 micromol/litre because this may indicate serious liver disease.

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