Page 128 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 128

Formal assessment for the causes of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia

                         count, reticulocyte  count, platelet count,  red  blood cell  morphological  examination,  and  a
                         urinalysis.  No cause  was identified in  214  (47.8%) cases  of hyperbilirubinaemia. A possible
                         cause of hyperbilirubinaemia was identified only from patient history, physical examination or
                         routine haematocrit (at 4 hours) in 145 (32.4%) cases. Thirteen cases (2.9%) had other causes
                         related  to  hyperbilirubinaemia  that  were not  identified  by  the routine  tests.  Seventy-five  cases
                         (16.8%)  were diagnosed from  the routine  tests.  These included isoimmunisation  alone in 58
                         cases (12.9%) and isoimmunisation accompanied by preterm birth, bruising, cephalohaematoma,
                         bacterial infection, viral infection or maternal diabetes in 17 cases (3.8%). [EL 3]

                         Overall evidence summary (6.1.5–6.1.7)
                         A number of poor-quality studies and one good-quality review were identified. The good-quality
                         review identified six studies that showed a link between the B/A ratio and various indices of
                         bilirubin  encephalopathy  (abnormal  ABR,  IQ  at  6 years).  Two  poor-quality  studies  showed  a
                         moderately positive correlation between free bilirubin and both the B/A ratio and the B/A molar
                         ratio  (r = 0.74 and  r = 0.75,  respectively). There  was  also a moderately positive correlation
                         between unconjugated bilirubin and free bilirubin (r = 0.69).
                         Similarly, two studies have been carried out to determine the diagnostic yield from additional
                         tests, including direct bilirubin, to help in the investigation of early jaundice or prolonged
                         jaundice. The value of these additional tests was variable, and they were often non-contributory.
                         Overall GDG translation from evidence (6.1.5–6.1.7)

                         The evidence does not support changing current clinical practice in the UK,  which does not
                         routinely include the calculation of the B/A ratio in determining treatment thresholds for
                         jaundice.  Furthermore, expert advice received by the GDG is  that most commonly used
                         laboratory methods overestimate albumin,  especially  at low concentrations.  External quality
                         assurance data from October 2009 ( shows that the affected
                         methods are used by virtually all NHS laboratories. The GDG is aware of an ongoing RCT in the
                         Netherlands which is examining the use of the B/A ratio alongside serum bilirubin in jaundiced
                         babies as an indicator for treatment with phototherapy.

                         Poor-quality  evidence did  not show a clinically  useful correlation between unconjugated
                         bilirubin and free bilirubin. Previous advice advocated subtracting direct bilirubin from the total
                         serum bilirubin when deciding on management in babies with hyperbilirubinaemia. The GDG
                         agrees with the AAP that this practice should cease, and total bilirubin levels should be used to
                         guide management. The  GDG  is  aware of rare cases of  kernicterus  with high  conjugated
                         bilirubin levels, and there is a theoretical risk that conjugated bilirubin can elevate free bilirubin
                         levels by displacing unconjugated bilirubin from the binding sites. Specialist advice should be
                         sought for the exceptional cases in which the conjugated bilirubin is more than 50% of the total.
                         The GDG considers  that total serum bilirubin should  be used to guide the management of
                         jaundiced babies less than 14 days old.

                          Recommendations – 6.1 Tests to detect underlying disease in all babies with
                          significant hyperbilirubinaemia
                          In addition to a full clinical examination by a suitably trained healthcare professional, carry
                          out all of the following tests in babies with significant hyperbilirubinaemia as part of an
                          assessment for underlying disease (see threshold table (Section 1.3) and treatment threshold
                          graphs (Section 1.6)):
                          •   serum bilirubin (for baseline level to assess response to treatment)
                          •   blood packed cell volume
                          •   blood group (mother and baby)
                          •   DAT (Coombs’ test). Interpret the result taking account of the strength of reaction, and
                             whether mother received prophylactic anti-D immunoglobulin during pregnancy.

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