Page 10 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 10

Neonatal jaundice

                         In all babies:
                         •   check whether there are factors associated with an increased likelihood of developing
                           significant hyperbilirubinaemia soon after birth
                         •   examine the baby for jaundice at every opportunity especially in the first 72 hours.
                         When looking for jaundice (visual inspection):
                         •   check the naked baby in bright and preferably natural light
                         •   examination of the sclerae, gums and blanched skin is useful across all skin tones.

                         Additional care
                         Ensure babies  with factors  associated  with an increased likelihood of developing significant
                         hyperbilirubinaemia receive an additional visual inspection by a healthcare professional during
                         the first 48 hours of life.

                         Measuring bilirubin in all babies with jaundice
                         Do not rely on visual inspection alone to estimate the bilirubin level in a baby with jaundice.

                         How to measure the bilirubin level
                         When measuring the bilirubin level:
                         •   use a transcutaneous bilirubinometer in babies with a gestational age of 35 weeks or more
                           and postnatal age of more than 24 hours
                         •   if a transcutaneous bilirubinometer is not available, measure the serum bilirubin
                         •   if a transcutaneous bilirubinometer measurement indicates a bilirubin level greater than
                           250 micromol/litre check the result by measuring the serum bilirubin
                         •   always use serum bilirubin measurement to determine the bilirubin level in babies with
                           jaundice in the first 24 hours of life
                         •   always use serum bilirubin measurement to determine the bilirubin level in babies less than
                           35 weeks gestational age
                         •   always use serum bilirubin measurement for babies at or above the relevant treatment
                           threshold for their postnatal age, and for all subsequent measurements
                         •   do not use an icterometer.
                         How to manage hyperbilirubinaemia
                         Use the bilirubin level to determine the management of hyperbilirubinaemia in all babies (see
                         threshold table (Section 1.3) and treatment threshold graphs (Section 1.6)).

                         Care of babies with prolonged jaundice
                         Follow expert advice about care for babies  with a conjugated bilirubin level  greater than
                         25 micromol/litre because this may indicate serious liver disease.

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