Page 133 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
P. 133

Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in children under 5 years

                        The RCT conducted in Venezuela 165  recruited children aged 6 months to 8 years with gastroenteritis
                        with emesis who had vomited twice within 1 hour (n = 36). Patients were hospitalised for a
                        minimum of 24 hours. Exclusion criteria were severe dehydration, seizures, rectal temperature
                        of 39 °C or more, parenteral anti-emetic medication in the 6 hours prior to the start of the study
                        or parasite-induced gastroenteritis. The trial had three arms and participants were randomised
                        to a 10 minute infusion with 0.3 mg/kg IV ondansetron (n = 12), 0.3 mg/kg IV metoclopramide
                        (n = 12) or a 15 ml bolus of normal saline (placebo) (n = 12).

                        The methods of randomisation were not reported although it was stated that pharmacy-controlled
                        medication preparation permitted the patients and outcome assessors to be blind to treatment
                        allocation. The proportion of patients randomised but lost to follow-up was less than 20%. No
                        sample size power calculation was provided.
                        The  groups  were  different  at  baseline  for  age,  height,  weight  and  degree  of  hydration,  with
                        comparability on gender and food intake only. There were no statistically significant differences
                        between the IV ondansetron and placebo groups in vomiting or diarrhoea episodes in the first
                        24 hours. Ten of the 12 children receiving IV metoclopramide had more than four episodes
                        of diarrhoea during the first 24 hours compared with 4/12 children in the placebo group. The
                        difference was statistically significant (RR 2.50; 95% CI 1.08 to 5.79). However, no statistically
                        significant difference was found for emetic episodes between the two groups in the first 24 hours.

                        Evidence summary
                        There was evidence from three RCTs [EL = 1+] that supported the effectiveness of oral ondansetron
                        in the treatment of gastroenteritis in children. The meta-analysis performed after extracting the
                        data from two RCTs showed that children with gastroenteritis and receiving oral ondansetron
                        along with rehydration solution were more likely to stop vomiting. Pooled data from three trials
                        demonstrated that the ondansetron group were less likely to require further IVT and less likely
                        to be hospitalised compared with children who had received only rehydration solutions and
                        placebo. No consistent results were found for diarrhoea outcomes. Two of the three trials reported
                        statistically significant results to show that children receiving ondansetron seemed to experience
                        more episodes of diarrhoea.
                        There was a lack of high-quality evidence for the effectiveness of IV ondansetron, IV metoclopramide
                        and IV dexamethasone in the treatment of children with gastroenteritis. A small RCT [EL = 1−]
                        showed no difference in the cessation of vomiting during the first 24 hours following treatment
                        in children receiving IV ondansetron or IV metoclopramide compared with children treated with
                        placebo. The risk of having more than four diarrhoeal episodes was higher in both the treatment
                        groups (IV ondansetron group and IV metoclopramide group) compared with the placebo group,
                        but the difference was statistically significant only for the IV metoclopramide group.
                        However,  a  second  underpowered  trial  did  show  more  children  given  ondansetron  did  not
                        require hospitalisation and tolerated ORT more quickly than those given placebo. No statistically
                        significant  differences  were  found  between  the  IV  dexamethasone  and  placebo  groups  for
                        hospitalisation rates or ORT tolerance.

                        Cost-effectiveness evidence

                        A  simple  economic  model  was  also  developed  which  demonstrates  potential  economic
                        advantages of ondansetron if given to children with persistent vomiting in whom IV fluids are
                        being considered; further details are provided in Appendix B. Owing to limited evidence for the
                        efficacy of IV ondansetron, the economic analysis only considers the use of oral ondansetron.
                        The use of anti-emetics such as ondansetron may be effective in the cessation of vomiting and
                        may in turn help with the successful delivery of ORT, thereby reducing the need to treat with
                        IVT. This would have cost-saving implications for the NHS through fewer admissions for IVT. The
                        analysis uses a meta-analysis of three RCTs 160,163,164  to estimate the difference in effect between
                        placebo and ondansetron for three outcomes: cessation of vomiting, hospitalisation and the need
                        for IVT. Savings in downstream costs were calculated based on the difference in effect obtained
                        with ondansetron. The net cost was calculated by offsetting the cost of ondansetron against the
                        saving achieved with reduced downstream resource use. The analysis suggests that ondansetron,

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