Page 7 - From -Arylation of Olefins to Acylation with Aldehydes: A Journey in Regiocontrol of the Heck Reaction
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R-Arylation of Olefins to Acylation with Aldehydes Ruan and Xiao

                                                               TABLE 11. Arylation of Butyl Vinyl Ether in EG

          FIGURE 2. Effect of the solvent parameter E T on ln(TOF) in the
          R-arylation of butyl vinyl ether with 4-bromoacetophenone.
                                                               TABLE 12. Arylation of Enamides in EG

          TABLE 10. [H 2 N Pr 2 ] Accelerated Arylation of Enamides in DMSO

                                                                  Gratifyingly, the arylation in alcohols such as EG indeed
          [H n NR 4n ] is to hydrogen-bond with the bromide anion,                           33a
                                                               proceeds fast and R-regioselectively.  Examples obtained
          shifting the equilibrium shown in eq 6 toward the Pd(II)
                                                               with butyl vinyl ether and enamides are summarized in
          olefin cation.
                                                               Tables 11 and 12. A further study has revealed remarkably
                                                               high activity (TOF up to 15 625 h 1 ) and productivity (TON
                                                               up to 3.75  10 ) in the arylation of vinyl ethers, with the
                                                                                                         5 34
                                                               substrate-to-catalyst (S/C) ratio reaching 5  10 .  These
          Salty No Longer: r-Arylation in Alcohols             numbers far surpass those observed in ionic liquids or when
          The observations made with the ammonium HBD raise an  using ammonium HBDs, representing actually the highest
          interesting question. Could much cheaper and environmen-  values ever reported for the Heck reaction of electron rich
          tally friendlier alcohols be used as solvent to replace the  olefins. In particular, sterically demanding vinyl ethers also
          imidazolium or HBD salts? Alcohols are known to act as  reacted under these conditions, leading to interesting aryl
          receptors for halide anions, and in particular ethylene glycol  alkyl ketones (eq 7).
          (EG) is a good HBD as judged by its high E T value of 0.790. 32
            This belief was strengthened by the study of an arylation
          in more than 20 solvents, which revealed that hydrogen-
          bond donating, protic solvents indeed accelerate R-regiose-
          lective arylation. 33  As shown in Figure 2, the higher the E T N  Heteroaryl bromides could also be brought to arylate the
          values, the faster this reaction becomes, with EG affording  electron-rich olefins. However, better yields were obtained
          the fastest arylation.                               with Pddppf than Pddppp. 35  As shown in Table 13, high

          620 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 614–626 ’ 2011 ’ Vol. 44, No. 8
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