Page 10 - From -Arylation of Olefins to Acylation with Aldehydes: A Journey in Regiocontrol of the Heck Reaction
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R-Arylation of Olefins to Acylation with Aldehydes Ruan and Xiao

          TABLE 19. Heck Aldol Annulation Reaction of Aryl Chlorides with Vinyl
          Ethers in EG

                                                               FIGURE 3. Calculated transition state for the oxidative addition of PhCl
                                                               to [Pd(dppp)]: TS1 in vacuo; TS2 with one explicit ethylene glycol
                                                               molecule. Carbon, gray; hydrogen, white; phosphorus, orange; palla-
                                                               dium, dark blue; chlorine, green; oxygen, red. Selected distances [Å],
                                                               TS1: PdC ipso 2.124, C ipso Cl 2.115, PdCl 2.613; TS2: PdC ipso 2.070,
                                                               C ipso Cl 2.228, PdCl 2.832, ClHO 2.30.

                                                               TABLE 20. Acylation of Aryl Bromides with Aldehydes
            An inevitable question then is this: is the oxidative addi-
          tion accelerated by EG (eq 10)? DFT calculations show
          indeed that EG interacts with the chloride at the transition
          state (TS) of PhCl oxidative addition to Pd(dppp), significantly
          lowering the energy barrier by 13.03 kal/mol relative to that
          in vacuo (TS1 vs TS2, Figure 3). At TS2, the chloride atom
          bonds to one of the hydroxyl groups of EG through the
          hydrogen atom, displaying a Cl  333  H distance of 2.30 Å.
          Thus, EG plays a double role in the arylation of ArCl, facil-
          itating oxidative addition of the halides and promoting the
          subsequent dissociation of chloride from Pd to enable the
          ionic pathway B. 40

          Beyond the Heck Reaction: Acylating Aryl
          Halides with Aldehydes
          In continuing study into the arylation of electron-rich olefins,
          we developed in 2008 a new protocol for the acylation of
          aryl bromides with aldehydes, which involves palla-
          diumpyrrolidine cooperative catalysis, affording syntheti-
          cally significant alkyl aryl ketones in a straightforward  relatively limited. Realizing that, in the presence of a sec-
          manner. 42  The R-regioselective arylation presented above  ondary amine, such as pyrrolidine, an aldehyde can equili-
          provides an indirect method for accessing these ketones.  brate with an enamine, which is an electron-rich olefin, we
          However, the availability of the vinyl ethers and enamides is  thought that it might be possible to couple aryl halides with

                                                                   Vol. 44, No. 8 ’ 2011 ’ 614–626 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 623
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