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                              D. Lemos et al.rAquaculture 186  (2000 89–105      93

           Fig. 1. Schematic sequence of substrate-SDS-PAGE protocols for determining  Ž. a proteinase composition and
           activity, and  Ž. b proteinaceous proteinase inhibitors Garcia-Carreno et al., 1993 .
           separated by SDS-PAGE as above. The twin gel is soaked for 30 min at 58Cina
           solution containing the target enzyme, a commercial enzyme preparation or a hepatopan-
           creas extract. Then, it is washed with distilled water and soaked in a solution of the
           substrate as described for proteinase activity assay  ŽFig. 1b . The molecular weight of
           active bands can be determined as described above.
           2.3. Characterization of type and class of proteinases by specific inhibitors and

             Most proteinases from the digestive system belong to the serine class  ŽEC 3.4.21.x ,
           the exception is the stomach proteinase pepsin that belongs to the aspartic class. To
           determine the class and specificity of the enzyme, the proteinase under study is
           incubated with specific inhibitors  ŽTable 1 for serine class, trypsin or chymotrypsin
           ŽGarcia-Carreno and Haard, 1993 . Solutions of 20 mM tosyl-lysine chloromethyl
           ketone  ŽTLCK in 1 mM HCl, 200 mM phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride PMSF in
           2-propanol, or 0.5 mM carbobenzoxy-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone  ŽZPCK in 50
           mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.8, are individually mixed with the enzyme extracts in a ratio
           of 1:10  Žinhibitorrextract and incubated for 1 h at 258C. Distilled water is used instead
           of inhibitors in control. Then the inhibitor–enzyme mixture is diluted with the sample
           buffer and loaded onto the gel as described above. After electrophoresis, lanes are cut
           apart for molecular weight standard and total protein lanes, and activity and inhibition
           lanes. The former lane is immediately stained. Activity and inhibition lanes are
           immersed in 3% casein following the described procedure for activity. Bands with
           proteinase inhibitors are compared with control proteinase lanes  Žno inhibition to
           identify the inhibitory effect on active bands. Since TLCK, ZPCK, and PMSF are
           specific trypsin, chymotrypsin and serine proteinase inhibitors  ŽTable 1 , those bands
           affected by the inhibitors will be smaller or may even disappear. The degree of
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