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                     Illicit use of controlled substances
                     Data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (ODC) show large-
                     scale seizures of cocaine, heroin, cannabis and amphetamine-type stimulants
                     in different parts of the world. Availability of cocaine, heroin and cannabis
                     depends on the level of cultivation in source countries and on the success or
                     failure of trafficking organizations. However, even with increased levels of
                     law enforcement activities, there always seems to be enough drugs available
                     to users.
                        According to ODC estimates (UNODCCP, 2002), about 185 million people
                     make illicit use of one type of illicit substance or another. Table 1.3 shows
                     that cannabis is consumed by the largest number of illicit drug users, followed
                     by amphetamines, cocaine and the opiates.
                        Illicit drug use is a predominantly male activity, much more so than
                     cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. Drug use is also more prevalent
                     among young people than in older age groups. Several national and multi-
                     national surveys have provided data on drug use in different groups. For
                     example, in the USA, the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA)
                     has served as a source of useful information on drug use in the general
                     population, and the Monitoring the Future project provides data on drug use
                     by young people in secondary schools. The European School Survey Project
                     on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD), an initiative of the Council of Europe,
                     has become a data source on youth drug use for many European countries.
                     The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
                     also provides regular data on drug use (including hazardous methods of use,
                     such as injecting drug use (IDU)) in European countries. While national
                     surveys of youth and adults are held on a regular basis in some countries,
                     reliable data on drug use is generally lacking in most developing countries.

                     Table 1.3 Annual prevalence of global illicit drug use over the period 1998–

                                      All   Cannabis  Amphetamine-  Cocaine  All opiates  Heroin
                                   illicit drugs      type stimulants
                                                    Amphe-  Ecstasy
                     Number of users     185.0  147.4  33.4  7.0   13.4    12.9   9.20
                     (in millions)
                     Proportion of     3.1      2.5   0.6     0.1   0.2     0.2   0.15
                     global population (%)
                     Proportion of     4.3      3.5   0.8     0.2   0.3     0.3   0.22
                     population 15 years
                     and above (%)
                     Source: UNODCCP, 2002.


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