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                     University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden; Christine A. Rose, Pinney
                     Associates, Bethesda, MD, USA; Martin Stafstrom, Malmo University Hospital,
                     Lund University, Lund, Sweden; Julie Staley, Department of Psychiarty, Yale
                     University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA; Howard Stead,
                     Laboratory and Scientific Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
                     Vienna, Austria; Boris Tabakoff, University of Colorado School of Medicine,
                     Boulder, CO, USA; Ambros Uchtenhagen, Institute for Research on Addiction,
                     Zurich, Switzerland; George Uhl, Johns Hopkins University School of
                     Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; Nora Volkow, Brookhaven National
                     Laboratory, New York, NY, USA; Helge Waal, Oslo, Norway; Roy Wise, National
                     Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, MD, USA. WHO is also grateful to Victor
                     Preedy, King’s College, University of London, London, who provided a
                     technical review of the final draft of the document.
                        Grateful thanks are due to the U.K. Department for International
                     Development (DFID), the Belgian Government, and the Institute of
                     Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction of the Canadian Institutes of
                     Health Research for their financial contributions to the project.
                        The project leading to this report was initiated by Maristela Monteiro, who
                     also directed all activities related to its preparation, review and publication.
                     Isidore Obot coordinated the editing and production of the report. Particular
                     thanks are due to Derek Yach and Benedetto Saraceno who provided
                     leadership for the project and contributed comments on various drafts.
                     Thanks are also due to the following staff of the Department of Mental Health
                     and Substance Abuse for their contributions to the project: Vladimir Poznyak,
                     José Bertolote, and Shekhar Saxena. The report also benefited from the inputs
                     of the following former and current WHO staff who assisted in different
                     capacities: Caroline Allsopp, Alexander Capron, Joann Duffil, Kelvin Khow,
                     Tess Narciso, Mylene Schreiber, Raquel Shaw Moxam, and Tokuo Yoshida.

                        This report has been produced within the framework of the mental health
                     Global Action Programme (mhGAP) of the Department of Mental Health and
                     Substance Abuse, World Health Organization, under the direction of
                     Dr Benedetto Saraceno.


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