Page 24 - LoudOffice_Guide-to-HTML_Part-II_Advanced.PDF
P. 24

summary, then, what we refer to as "JavaScript" is actually made up of JavaScript, the
               language, and the DOM, or object model that JavaScript can access.

               Because Microsoft's Document Object Model, as seen in MSIE 4 and 5 versus Netscape 4.x,
               is the more advanced, MSIE is often the browser of choice for intranet developers who wish
               to author advanced web-based applications. Its more articulate DOM allows the JavaScript
               author much finer control in modifying aspects of the web page and creating flexible user

               Below is a (rather amateurish) diagram of the DOM:

               The properties of any object in the DOM can be accessed with a simple notation:
               w i n d o w . d o c u m e n t . o b j e c t . If for instance, your document had a form named
               i n p u t F o r m , and a field in the form named t x t A d d r e s s , you could access that field with
               the following notation: d o c u m e n t . i n p u t F o r m . t x t A d d r e s s .  Later, when we study form
               validation with JavaScript, you’ll see where this is especially useful.

               Event Handlers
               JavaScript programs are typically event-driven. Events are actions that occur on the Web
               page, usually as a result of something the user does, although not always. For example, a
               button click is an event, as is giving focus to a form element; resizing the page is an event,
               or submitting a form. It is these events that cause JavaScript programs to spring into
               An event is the action that triggers an event handler. The event handler specifies which
               JavaScript code to execute. Often, event handlers are placed within the HTML tag that
               creates the object on which the event acts:
                      < t a g  a t t r i b u t e 1  a t t r i b u t e 2  o n E v e n t N a m e = " j a v a s c r i p t  c o d e ; " >

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