Page 75 - The Flying Publisher Guide to Hepatitis C Treatment
P. 75

Searching for new antiviral therapies   |   75

                                   Preliminary data show that DAAs induce a more rapid decline in
                                   the VL than the one seen with PegIFN/RBV.

                                   Table 4.3  –  The most promising new therapeutical options for CHC
                                   (as of June 2011) *
                                   Category  Mechanism  Example    Manufacturer    Phase
                                   Direct-acting  NS3/NS4A  BI201335  Boehringer   III
                                   antivirals  protease  TMC435    Medivir/Tibotec  III
                                                        GS-9256, -9451 Gilead      II
                                                        Danoprevir  Intermune/Roche  II
                                                        Vaniprevir  Merck          II
                                                        ACH-1625   Achillon Pharm.  II
                                                        ABT 450    Abbott/Enanta   II
                                                        BMS-650032  Bristol-Myers Squibb  IIa
                                            NS5B polymerase  Mericitabine  Roche/Pharmaset  II
                                            inhibitors,  PSI-7977  Pharmaset       II
                                            analogs     IDX 184    Idenix          II
                                            NS5B polymerase  Filibuvir  Pfizer     II
                                            inhibitors,  GS-9190   Gilead          II
                                            analogs     VX 222     Vertex          II
                                                        ABT 333, -072  Abbott      II
                                                        Setrobuvir  Anadys Pharm.  II
                                            NS5A inhibitors  BMS-790052  Bristol-Myers Squibb  II
                                                        ABT 267    Abbott          II
                                                        AZD 7295   AstraZeneca     II
                                   Host     Cyclophilins  Alisporivir  Novartis/Debiopharm III
                                   targeting  inhibitors
                                   agents   Virus entry  MBL-HCV1  The University of  II
                                            inhibitors  human      Massachusetts Medical
                                                        monoclonal  School
                                                        ITX 5061   iTherX          II
                                                        Bavituximab  Peregrine Pharm.  II
                                   * For more information, see and the manufacturers' web
                                   sites presented at the end of the chapter.
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