Page 49 - 86 human physiology part-2
P. 49

Chapter 14


                             Gonadotropic (FSH,       Glycoprotein Gonads            Egg and sperm production,
                             LH)                                                     sex hormone production
                             Prolactin (PRL)          Protein                        Milk production
                                                                     Soft tissue,    Cell division, protein
                             Growth (GH)              Protein
                                                                     bones           synthesis and bone growth
                                                                                     Increase metabolic rate,
                             Thyroxine (T4) and       Iodinated
             Thyroid                                                 All tissue      regulates growth and
                             Triiodothyronie (T3)     amino acid
                                                                     Bones, kidneys  Lowers blood calcium
                             Calcitonin               Peptide
                                                                     and intestine   level
                                                                     Bones, kidneys
             Parathyroids    Parathyroid (PTH)        Peptide                        Raises blood calcium level
                                                                     and intestine
                                                                                     Raise blood gluclose level,
             Adrenal Cortex                           Steroid        All tissue      stimulates breakdown of
                             Mineralocoticoids        Steroid        Kidneys         Reabsorb sodium and
                             (aldosterone)                                           excrete potassium
                                                                     Gonads, skin,   Stimulates reproductive
                             Sex Hormones             Steroid        muscles and     organs and brings on sex
                                                                     bones           characteristics
                                                                                     Released in emergency
             Adrenal         Epinephrine and          Modified       Cardiac and     situations, raises blood
             Medulla         norepinephrine           amino acid     other muscles   glucose level, “fight or
                                                                                     flight” response
                                                                                     Lowers blood glucose
                                                                     Liver, muscles,
             Pancreas        Insulin                  Protein                        levels, promotes formation
                                                                     adipose tissue
                                                                                     of glycogen
                                                                     Liver, muscles,
                             Glucagon                 Protein                        Raises blood glucose levels
                                                                     adipose tissue
                                                                     Gonads, skin,
                             Androgens                                               Stimulates male sex
             Testes                                   Steroid        muscles and
                             (testosterone)                                          characteristics
                                                                     Gonads, skin,
                             Estrogen and                                            Stimulates female sex
             Ovaries                                  Steroid        muscles and
                             progesterone                                            characteristics
                                                                                     Stimulates production and
             Thymus          Thymosins                Peptide        T lymphocytes maturation of T
                                                                                     Controls circadian and
                                                                                     circannual rhythms,
             Pineal Gland    Melatonin                               Brain           possibly involved in
                                                      amino acid
                                                                                     maturation of sexual
                 Hormones can be chemically classified into four groups:

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