Page 114 - 86 human physiology part-2
P. 114

Pregnancy and Birth

                      Uterus is the size of a hen's egg;    Embryo is curved, head is large, limb buds are
             5 weeks
                      mother may need to urinate frequently showing division, nose, ears and eyes are noticeable
                                                            Fingers and toes are present and skeleton is
             6 weeks Uterus is the size of an orange
                                                            Fetus begins to look human; limbs are developing
                      Uterus can be felt above the pubic
             8 weeks                                        and major organs forming; facial features are
                                                            becoming refined
                                                            Fetal Development
                                                            Head grows faster than the rest of the body; facial
             12       Uterus is the size of a grapefruit    features are apparent, but there is no layer of fat yet
             weeks                                          and the skin is translucent; gender can be
                                                            distinguished via ultrasound; fingernails appear
             16       Fetal movement can be felt            Fine hair (lanugo) grows over the body; fetus
             weeks                                          resembles a tiny human being; skeleton is visible
             20-22    Uterus reaches up to the level of     Vernix caseosa, the protective fatty coating, begins to
             weeks    umbilicus and pregnancy is obvious    be deposited; heartbeat can be heard
                      Doctor can tell where baby's head,    Fully formed but still thin; much larger and very
             24       back and limbs are; breasts have      active, all major organs are working, the lungs and
             weeks    enlarged and nipples and areola are   digestive system need more time to develop; body is
                      darker, colostrum is produced         covered in fine hair called lanugo
                                                            Most babies are in a head down position in the
             32       Uterus reaches halfway between        womb; head is more in proportion to the body; eyes
             weeks    umbilicus and rib cage                are open; babies born at this stage have a good chance
                                                            of living
                      Weight gain is averaging about a
                      pound a week; standing ans walking
             weeks    are becoming very difficult because   Body hair begins to disappear, fat is being deposited
                      the center of gravity is thrown
                      Uterus is up to the rib cage, causing   Not much room to move in the womb; fully mature,
             weeks    shortness of breath and heartburn;    baby moves less, and the surrounding fluid reduces
                      sleeping is very difficult            and the womb expands its limits

            Embryonic Development at Specific Stages

            First trimester

                 An embryo this tiny shows very distinct anatomic features, including tail, limb buds, heart (which
            actually protrudes from the chest), eye cups, cornea/lens, brain, and prominent segmentation into
            somites. The gestational sac is surrounded by a myriad of chorionic villi resembling elongate party
            balloons. This embryo is about five weeks old (or seven weeks in the biologically misleading but
            eminently practical dating system used in obstetrics).

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