Page 101 - 86 human physiology part-2
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Chapter 16

            specifically be referred to as contraception. Contraception differs from abortion in that the former
            prevents fertilization, while the latter terminates an already established pregnancy. Methods of birth
            control   which   may   prevent   the   implantation   of   an   embryo   if   fertilization   occurs   are   medically
            considered to be contraception. It is advised to talk with a doctor before choosing a contraceptive. If
            you have genetics problems or blood conditions, such as factor V leiden, certain contraceptives can be

                  Type                Procedure                 Method          Effectiveness        Risks
                             Refrain from sexual
             Abstinence                                   No sperm in vagina 100%              None
                             Intercourse is avoided for
                             about an 8-day span every    fertilization is only
                             month in middle of her       possible during 8-
             Rhythm Method                                                     70-80%          None
                             cycle, from about five days  day span in middle
                             before ovulation to three    of menstrual cycle
                             days after ovulation.
                             The man withdraws his        sperm are unable to
                             penis from the vagina at just  enter vagina if male
             Withdrawal                                                        70-80%          None
                             the right moment before      penis is removed at
                             ejaculation.                 the right time
             Tubal Ligation   Oviducts are cut and tied   No eggs in oviduct   Almost 99%      About 75%
             (Vasectomy)                                                                       Irreversible
                                                          Releases small
             Hormonal IUD    Flexible, plastic coil inserted  amounts of estrogen.             May cause
             (intrauterine   by physician                 In most cases, stops  About 99%      uterine
             device)                                      egg from developing                  perforation
                                                          and being released
                                                                                               Blood clots,
             Oral            Hormone medication taken  Stops release of FSH    More than 90% especially in
             Contraceptive   daily                        and LH
             Contraceptive   Tubes of progesterone        Stops release of FSH
             Implants        implanted under the skin     and LH               More than 90% None known
             Contraceptive   Injections of hormones       Stops release of FSH  About 99%      Possible
             Injections                                   and LH                               osteoporosis
                             Latex cup inserted into                           With            Latex or
             Diaphragm       vagina to cover cervix       Blocks entrance of   spermicide,     spermicide
                                                          sperm into uterus
                             before intercourse                                about 90%       allergy
                                                                                               UTI, latex or
                             Latex cup held by suction    Delivers spermicide
             Cervical Cap                                                      Almost 85%      spermicide
                             over cervix                  near cervix
                                                          Blocks entrance of
                             Polyurethane liner fitted
             Female Condom                                sperm into uterus    Almost 85%      None
                             inside vagina
                                                          and prevents STD’s
                             soft sheath, made of latex or   Blocks entrance of
                             animal membrane, encloses
             Male Condom                                  sperm into vagina    90%             None
                             penis, trapping ejaculated   and prevents STD's

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