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ANNEX 1. The Guidelines development process

           ANNEX 1                                                                     A1
           tHe Guidelines development process

           a1.1  treatment recommendations

           The first edition of the WHO Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria was developed over
           an 18-month period and was published in 2006. The methodology for identifying the
           questions, search and review of evidence is similar to that used in this current update. The
           GRADE methodology was not applied at that time but, in formulating recommendations,
           evidence was graded in order of priority as follows:
           •   formal systematic reviews, such as Cochrane reviews, including more than one
             randomized control trial
           •   comparative trials without formal systematic review
           •   observational studies (e.g. surveillance and pharmacological data)
           •   expert opinions/consensus.
           Since the release of the first edition of the guidelines, the WHO standard methods for
           guidelines development has evolved and, thus, this revised edition (second edition)
           was developed in accordance with the updated WHO standard methods for guideline
           formulation.  This was organized through a technical consultation on malaria treatment
           guidelines by the Technical Guidelines Development Group, co-chaired by Professors Fred
           Binka and Nick White (other participants are listed below). Conflict of interest statements
           were received from all participants. The first technical consultation was convened in
           April 2008, at which time the scope of the guidelines review and key questions to be
           addressed were determined.
           Following the first meeting, contracts for systematic search and reviews of relevant
           evidence were awarded to research groups from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
           in Liverpool, England. The search strategies employed included a search of the following
           •  the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group trials register (up to June 2004)
           •  the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) published in The
             Cochrane Library (Issue 2, 2004)
           •  MEDLINE (1966 to June 2004)
           •  EMBASE (1980 to June 2004)
           •  LILACS (1982 to June 2004)

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