Page 109 - 80 guidelines for the treatment of malaria_opt
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 CH 3
 CH 3
 F  HN  H 3 C  N  CH 3  CI  HN  OH  N  CH 3  CH 3  H N  O  S  O N H  N  O  N  O  CH 3  H N  N  N  2  CH 3  CI
 H 3 C  H 3 C                   H 3 C
 F  F
 F                                         ANNEX 3. Pharmacology of antimalarial medicines
 N  O  O                             O
 O  C  O  C                       O    C
 F  O  O                            O
 ÿ  O  CH 3  O  CH 3  Formulations  O  O     CH 3
 H  H  H  H 3 C  H  H  HO         H    H
 HO  O  O  •  Capsules and tablets containing 100 mg of doxycycline salt as hydrochloride.
 H  H                                H
 HN  CH 3  CH 3  Pharmacokinetics  CH 3
           Doxycycline is readily and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
           and absorption is not affected significantly by the presence of food. Peak plasma
 H 3 C  H 3 C  CI  concentrations occur 2 h after administration. Some 80–95% is protein-bound and half-
           life is 10–24 h (78). It is widely distributed in body tissues and fluids. In patients with
                              CH 3
 O  O      normal renal function, 40% of doxycycline is excreted in the urine, although more if the
 O  C  O  C               HN          NH 2                                             A3
 O  O      urine is alkalinized. It may accumulate in renal failure. However, the majority of the dose
 CH 3  CH 3  CI  CI              N
 O  O      is excreted in the faeces.
 H  H  H  H
 H 3 C           H 3 C
 HO  H 3 C  O  Toxicity  O
 H  H
 CH 3  CH 3  H 3 C  N  As for tetracycline. Gastrointestinal effects are fewer than with tetracycline, although
           oesophageal ulceration can still be a problem if insufficient water is taken with tablets
           or capsules. There is less accumulation in patients with renal impairment. Doxycycline
           should not be given to pregnant or lactating women, or children aged up to 8 years.
 CI  CI    Drug interactions
 H  H  H
 N  N  N  CH 3  CI    O
 H  NH  NH  CH 3  Doxycycline has a lower affinity for binding with calcium than other tetracyclines, so
        H N           S            NH 2
 NH  NH  CH 3  may be taken with food or milk. However, antacids and iron may still affect absorption.
 CI  H  H  H  Metabolism  may  be  accelerated  by  drugs  that  induce  hepatic  enzymes,  such  as
 O  N  N  N  CH 3
           carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and rifampicin, and by chronic alcohol use.
           a3.14   clindamycin
           Molecular weight: 425.0
                                                  Clindamycin is a lincosamide
 H 2 C  H  H 3 C  CH 3  OH       CI
 HO  CH 3  H  N  OH  O  O  O  CH 3  O  CH 3       antibiotic, i.e. a chlorinated
 OH  OH                N                          derivative of lincomycin. It is very
 NH                             N                 soluble in water. It inhibits the
 N  2                       H   H
            H 3 C                       O
 HO  H  NH 2                                  CH 3  early stages of protein synthesis by
 OH                   H        HO           S     a mechanism similar to that of the
 OH  H  H
 O  OH  O  OH  O  O                               macrolides. It may be administered
 H 3 C  H 3 C  OH  N              HO     OH       by mouth as capsules containing
 H 3 C  CH 3                                      the hydrochloride or as oral liquid
                                                  preparations containing the palmitate

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