Page 70 - 78 glossary of hivaids-related terms_opt
P. 70
Inability of the immune system to function normally. May be
caused by drugs (for example, chemotherapy) or result from certain
diseases (for example, HIV infection).
Treatment to stimulate or restore the body’s immune system to
fight disease.
The rate of occurrence of new cases of a particular disease in
a given population. Often reported as the number of cases per
I 100,000 people.
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
A specific set of selection rules that determine whether a person is
eligible to enroll in a particular clinical trial. For example, some trials
may not accept people with chronic liver disease or with certain
drug allergies. Others may exclude men or women or only include
people with a certain CD4 count or viral load.
See Also: Clinical Trial
Incubation Period
The period between infection with a micro-organism and the
development of symptoms.
See Also: Window Period
See: Investigational New Drug (IND) Application
Indian Health Service (IHS)
The agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) responsible for providing Federal health services to
American Indians and Alaska Natives.
68 HIV/AIDS Glossary