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                       Thromboembolic disease and deep venous thrombosis  more frequent with AIDS,
               particularly in persons 21 to 50 years of age.  Predisposing factors include opportunistic
               infections such as cytomegalovirus and AIDS-associated neoplasms.  Antiretroviral therapy,
               particularly regimens including protease inhibitors such as indinavir, may increase the risk for
               pulmonary embolism.  A hypercoagulable state may be associated with HIV infection, including
               acquired protein C and protein S deficiencies, heparin cofactor II deficiency, and antithrombin
               deficiency.  Endothelial cell dysfunction and platelet aggregation with elevated levels of Von
               Willebrand Factor and P-selectin can be found in HIV infection.  Autoimmune phenomena such
               as antiphospholipid syndrome may be implicated.  The risk is increased for persons  taking
               megestrol acetate.  Thrombosis is more likely to occur with clinical AIDS when the CD4 count is
               less than 200/µL.[848,849]

                       BONE MARROW.-- A bone marrow biopsy in an HIV-infected patient is most useful
               when there is a history of persistent fever along with cytopenia, and no localizing signs are
               present.  Marrow biopsy can be useful in the workup of lymphoma.  Morphologic examination
               should be combined with microbiologic culture for suspected pathogens.[850] Mycobacterial
               infections (both MAC and MTB) are the most frequently identified opportunistic infections of
               bone marrow with AIDS, followed by C neoformans.  However, the less frequently seen
               dimorphic fungi H capsulatum and C immitis, commonly involve bone marrow in cases in which
               they are present.  Other opportunistic agents are quite rare at this site (Table 5).  Culture of bone
               marrow can be useful for diagnosis of both mycobacterial and fungal infections.[425]
                       It is uncommon for grossly visible lesions to appear in bone marrow with any
               opportunistic infections or neoplasms.  Severe pancytopenia may be accompanied by a
               generalized pale appearance.
                        Microscopically, a variety of non-specific morphologic abnormalities can occur.  There
               may be overall hypercellularity early in the course of AIDS, or with systemic infections, and this
               is seen in about half to three fourths of cases.  This is most often due to hyperplasia of
               granulocytic or megakaryocytic cell lines.  Debilitation leads to increasing hypocellularity and
               serous atrophy of fat later in the course of AIDS.  Additional non-specific microscopic findings
               may include immature or dysplastic myeloid precursors (dysmyelopoietic), lymphoid aggregates,
               atypical megakaryocytes, a fine reticulin fibrosis, mild vascular proliferation, histiocytosis with
               or without non-specific granuloma formation, and increased hemosiderin deposition.[851,852]
                       A consistent finding is increased plasma cell cuffing of blood vessels, which may be
               accompanied by polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia in over 80% of patients.  The presence of
               giant pronormoblasts with inclusion-like nucleoli suggests parvovirus infection.  Megaloblastic
               features often accompany zidovudine therapy or therapy with folate antagonists.  HIV can also
               be demonstrated in a variety of marrow cells by in situ hybridization.[839,842]
                       Granulomas are infrequently present in bone marrow and may contain fungi, acid-fast
               organisms, occasional parasites, or polarizable talc crystals from injection drug use.  These
               granulomas are typically not well formed.  Localized ill-defined granulomas consisting of
               collections of macrophages were more frequent than were granulomas containing organisms.  Of
               the dimorphic fungi, C neoformans is seen most frequently.  H capsulatum, next in frequency
               may produce loose lymphohistiocytic aggregates.  Of the mycobacteria, Mycobacterium avium
               complex (MAC) is seen more frequently than M tuberculosis.[851]  The most sensitive method
               for detection of MAC remains blood culture.  Culture of bone marrow aspirates will be positive
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