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               Untreated, or with poor response to therapy, the terminal hospital course with PCP can be as
               short as a few days.[208,609]
                       Pneumocystis is more likely to have a diffuse involvement of lung than other
               opportunistic infectious agents or neoplasms with AIDS.  Pneumocystis typically involves
               alveolar spaces, giving the gross appearance of pneumonic consolidation.  P jiroveci (carinii)
               pneumonia tends to be more confluent throughout the lungs than bacterial pneumonias.  Cut
               surfaces of lung with early PCP show a prominent "poached salmon" or pale pink appearance
               when in the fresh state, and the markedly consolidated lung is firm to friable with a definable
               lobular pattern.  There may be scattered areas of hemorrhage or congestion.  The weight of each
               lung can exceed 1 kg.[602]  Laboratory diagnosis is accomplished by staining of the organisms
               in fluids and tissues recovered from the patient.[610]
                       An uncommon gross appearance of PCP is a "granulomatous" pattern resembling
               Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.  This pattern is more likely to be present when a chest
               radiograph shows parenchymal nodules, but diffuse infiltrates or a solitary nodule may also
               occur.  The granulomas range from 0.1 to 2.5 cm, averaging 0.5 cm in size.  Microscopically
               they all contain epithelioid macrophages and lymphocytes, but slightly more than half have giant
               cells.  Foamy eosinophilic exudate typical for PCP may be present within a granuloma in a
               fourth of cases, but associated intra-alveolar foamy exudates in only 5% of cases.  Non-
               necrotizing granulomas are found in 20% of cases.[611]  A "pneumocystoma" pattern with one
               or more ill-defined pale pink to tan masses is also uncommonly seen.[612,613]  Another pattern
               is the appearance of multiple thin-walled bi-apical cystic spaces with a subtle ground-glass
               pattern surrounding the cysts.[614]
                       As PCP progresses, the lung texture becomes rubbery and the cut surfaces are often
               slimy, typical of diffuse alveolar damage (clinically defined as adult respiratory distress
               syndrome or "shock" lung).  Severe infections poorly responsive to therapy may go on to
               produce diffuse alveolar damage that can organize to "honeycomb" lung with type II cell
               hyperplasia and interstitial fibrosis.  Lymphocytic or plasma cell interstitial infiltrates can be
               prominent, though this is more common with PCP in children than in adults.  A pattern of
               bronchiolitis obliterans may be apparent.  The greater the degree of organization, the fewer and
               smaller the alveolar exudates become, and the harder the organisms are to identify within the
               tissue histologically.  Concomitant therapy of PCP with intubation and ventilation utilizing high
               oxygen tensions may lead to oxygen toxicity that also promotes diffuse alveolar damage.[602]
                       The inflammatory reaction to P jiroveci (carinii) is primarily mediated by macrophages,
               and impairment of macrophage function in immunocompromised hosts leads to risk for
               establishment of infection.  The diminished CD4 lymphocyte count contributes to development
               of PCP, because tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 released by macrophages aid in
               activation of CD4 cells, and activated CD4 cells release interferon-gamma that stimulates
               macrophage function to clear the organisms.[397]
                       In hematoxylin-eosin-stained transbronchial biopsy specimens, PCP is suggested by the
               presence of a characteristic intra-alveolar exudate consisting of refractile, foamy to granular to
               honeycomb eosinophilic material composed mainly of the Pneumocystis organisms (both
               trophozoites and cysts) held together by intertwined slender membranotubular extensions.  The
               exudate contains little fibrin, and scanty admixed cellular elements or debris may consist of
               lymphocytes, macrophages, pneumonocytes.[401]  Early infections may lack the foamy exudate,
               though P jiroveci (carinii) cysts and trophozoites can be demonstrated on alveolar septae.  An
               inflammatory component is not a striking feature in most cases, though in some cases
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