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                       Coccidioidomycosis is included in the definitional criteria for AIDS because it may
               appear in HIV-infected persons who have lived in endemic areas--arid plains of the
               Southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central and South America.[392]  C immitis exists in a
               mycelial form (septated alternating arthrospores) in soils and is released into the air as
               arthroconidia that are inhaled.[454]  C immitis grows as a yeast form in tissues. In areas endemic
               for C immitis, HIV-infected persons may prevent infection by avoiding exposure to dusty
               environments or areas where soil is disturbed.[208]  Coccidioidomycosis in AIDS probably
               represents a reactivation of a previous infection rather than recent infection.[483]
                       Coccidioidomycosis in association with AIDS tends to be a widely disseminated
               infection involving numerous organs (Table 5).  The lung serves as the portal of entry for
               Coccidioides immitis .  There are several clinical patterns of involvement, including focal
               pulmonary disease, diffuse pulmonary disease, cutaneous disease, meningitis, and wide
               dissemination.  Grossly visible granulomas similar to other dimorphic fungi and to
               Mycobacterium tuberculosis may be present in lung, but often are not seen in other organs.
               Serologic tests for antibody to C immitis are positive in about two thirds of cases.[454,483]
               Widespread use of antiretroviral therapy decreases the incidence and the severity of
                       The most frequent symptoms are fever with chills, weight loss, and night sweats.  The
               clinical presentation is most often as pulmonary disease in 80%, followed by meningitis in 15%
               of cases.  A fourth of patients have lymphadenopathy.  A chest radiograph will demonstrate a
               diffuse reticulonodular infiltrate in over half of cases, but negative findings may occur in 16% of
               cases.[483]  Diagnosis can be made by several methods.  In general, skin testing is not useful,
               since few HIV-infected persons with coccidioidomycosis will have a positive result.  Most of the
               false negative serologic tests are found when diffuse pulmonary disease is present.  Blood
               cultures will be positive in about 12% of cases.  Cultures of cerebrospinal fluid are positive in
               over half of cases of C immitis meningitis.[454]
                       Microscopic diagnosis is made by finding clusters of large 10 to 80 micron thick-walled
               spherules containing endospores in tissue biopsies.  Spherules may also be identified in sputum
               and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.  Ruptured spherules may be partially collapsed with small 2 to
               5 micron endospores close by.  Once the endospores are released, they begin to grow into
               spherules with endospores, completing the life cycle.  Thus, variably sized spherules are often
               present and only the larger ones will have well-defined endospores.  Both Gomori methenamine
               silver (GMS) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stains are helpful in identifying the organisms.  An
               inflammatory reaction accompanying C immitis spherules tends to be quite sparse, consisting of
               only scattered lymphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages.
                       Treatment with amphotericin B may be useful for acute and/or chronic infections.
               Secondary prophylaxis with itraconazole, fluconazole, or ketoconazole may be employed.  Death
               occurs from coccidioidomycosis in two thirds of patients who have C immitis infection at
               autopsy.  The mortality rate is highest when diffuse pulmonary disease is present and/or the CD4
               lymphocyte count is <50/µL.  One important etiologic differential diagnosis in disseminated
               coccidioidomycosis should be made:  a disseminated form of this infection can also occur in
               anabolic steroid abusers or corticosteroid users, who may also be young males.  Thus, testing to
               confirm or exclude HIV status is essential.[396,483]
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