Page 82 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 82

T A B L E  V                                                     T A B L E S

                       Table V Geometrical and structural affixes
                       Except for those denoted by Greek letters, geometrical and structural affixes are italicized. All are
                       separated from the rest of the name by hyphens.

                       antiprismo  eight atoms bound into a  r egular antiprism
                       arachno     a  b oron structure intermediate between nido and hypho in degree of openness
                       asym        asymmetrical
                       catena      a  c hain structure; often used to designate linear polymeric substances
                       cis         two groups occupying adjacent positions in a  c oordination sphere
                       closo       a  c age or closed structure, especially a  b oron skeleton that is a  p olyhedron
                                   having all faces triangular
                       cyclo       a  r ing structure. (Here, cyclo is used as a  m  odifier indicating structure and
                                   hence is italicized. In organic nomenclature, ‘cyclo’ is considered to be part of
                                   the parent name since it changes the molecular formula. It is therefore not
                       d (delta)   denotes the absolute configuration of chelate ring conformations
                       D (delta)   a  s tructural descriptor to designate deltahedra, or shows absolute configuration
                       dodecahedro  eight atoms bound into a  d odecahedron with triangular faces
                       Z (eta)     specifies the bonding of contiguous atoms of a  l igand to a  c entral atom
                       fac         three groups occupying the corners of the same face of an octahedron
                       hexahedro   eight atoms bound into a  h exahedron (e.g. cube)
                       hexaprismo  twelve atoms bound into a  h exagonal prism
                       hypho       an open structure, especially a  b oron skeleton, more closed than a klado
                                   structure but more open than an arachno structure
                       icosahedro  twelve atoms bound into an icosahedron with triangular faces
                       k (kappa)   specifies the donor atoms in a  l igand
                       klado       a  v ery open polyboron structure
                       l (lambda)  signifies, with its superscript, the bonding number, i.e. the sum of the number of
                                   skeletal bonds and the number of hydrogen atoms associated with an atom in a
                                   parent compound; denotes the absolute configuration of chelate ring
                       L (lambda)  shows absolute configuration
                       mer         meridional; three groups occupying vertices of an octahedron so that one is cis
                                   to the other two which are themselves mutually trans
                       m (mu)      signifies that a  g roup so designated bridges two or more coordination centres
                       nido        a  n est-like structure, especially a  b oron skeleton that is almost closed
                       octahedro   six atoms bound into an octahedron
                       pentaprismo  ten atoms bound into a  p entagonal prism
                       quadro      four atoms bound into a  q uadrangle (e.g. square)
                       sym         symmetrical
                       tetrahedro  four atoms bound into a  t etrahedron
                       trans       two groups occupying positions in a c oordination sphere directly opposite each
                       triangulo   three atoms bound into a  t riangle
                       triprismo   six atoms bound into a  t riangular prism

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