Page 64 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 64

IR-11.5                                                          S O L I D S

                       Key aspects of the Kro ¨ger–Vink point defect notation are summarized in Table IR-11.1.


                            Table IR-11.1 Examples of defect notation in M 2þ (X ) 2 containing a  f oreign ion Q
                            interstitial M 2þ  ion  M *  i  *   M  a tom vacancy        V M
                            interstitial X ion      X 0 i       X  a tom vacancy        V X x

                            M 2þ  ion vacancy       V M         normal M 2þ  ion        M M
                            X ion vacancy           V X *       normal X ion            X X x
                            interstitial M  a tom   M x i       Q 3þ  ion at M 2þ  site  Q M
                            interstitial X  a tom   X x i       Q 2þ  ion at M 2þ  site  Q M
                            interstitial M ion      M * i       Q ion at M 2þ  site     Q M
                            M ion vacancy           V M         free electron           e  0
                                                                free hole               h *
                            a                       2þ
                             Consider an ionic compound M  (X ) 2 . T he formal charge on M  i s 2 þ, t he formal
                            charge on X  i s  1  . I f a n  a tom X  i s  r emoved, one negative unit of charge remains on
                            the vacant X  s ite. The vacancy is neutral with respect to the ideal MX 2 lattice and is
                            therefore indicated by V X or V X . x  I f  t he electron is also removed from this site, the
                            resultant vacancy is effectively positive, i.e. V X . *  S imilarly, removal of an M  a tom
                            leaves V M , r emoval of an M ion leaves V M , r emoval of an M 2þ  ion leaves V M . I f a n
                            impurity with a  f ormal charge of three positive units Q 3þ  is substituted on the M 2þ
                            site, its effective charge is one positive unit. Therefore it is indicated by Q M .
           IR-11.4.5   Defect clusters  a nd use of quasi-chemical equations
                       Pairs or more complicated clusters of defects can be present in a s olid. Such a d efect cluster
                       is indicated between  p arentheses. The e ffective charge of the cluster is indicated as an upper
                       right index.
                                   0 x
                           1. ðCa V Þ denotes a  n eutral defect pair in a  s olid solution, for example  o f  C  aCl 2
                                 K K
                              in KCl.
                           2. ðV V Þ or ðV Pb V Cl Þ indicates a  c harged vacancy pair in PbCl 2 .
                                   * 0
                                Pb Cl
                       Quasi-chemical reactions may be written for the formation of such defect clusters.
                           3. Cr * Mg  þ V Mg  !  ð Cr Mg V Mg Þ describes the association reaction of a C r  3þ  impurity in
                              MgO with magnesium vacancies.
                           4. 2Cr *  þ V  00  !  ð Cr Mg V Mg Cr Mg Þ gives another possible association reaction in the
                                 Mg    Mg
                              system of Example 3.
                           5. Gd * Ca  þ F ! 0 i  ð Gd Ca F i Þ describes the formation of a  d  ipole between a  G  d 3þ
                              impurity  a nd a  fl uorine interstitial in CaF 2 .
           IR-11.5     P H A S E  N  O M  E N C L A T U R E
           IR-11.5.1   Introduction
                       The use  o  f  t he Pearson notation (see also Section IR-3.4.4) is recommended for the
                       designation of the structures  o f  m  etals  a nd solid solutions in binary and more complex

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