Page 23 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
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G E N E R A L  A  I M  S ,  F  U N C T I O N S  A N D  M  E T H O D S  I  R-1.8

                       15. Nomenclature and Terminology of Graphite Intercalation Compounds, H.-P. B  oehm,
                           R. Setton and E. Stumpp, Pure Appl. Chem., 66, 1 893–1901  ( 1994).
                       16. Isotopically Modified Compounds, W.C. F ernelius, T.D. Coyle and W.H. P owell, Pure
                           Appl. Chem., 53, 1 887–1900  ( 1981).
                       17. The Nomenclature of Hydrides of Nitrogen and Derived Cations, Anions, and Ligands,
                           J. Chatt, Pure Appl. Chem., 54, 2 545–2552  ( 1982).
                       18. Nomenclature for Regular Single-strand and Quasi Single-strand Inorganic  a  nd
                           Coordination Polymers, L.G. Donaruma, B.P. Block, K.L. Loening, N. Plate ´, T . T suruta,
                           K.Ch. Buschbeck, W.H. Powell and J. Reedijk, Pure Appl. Chem. 57, 1 49–168 (1985).
                       19. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry II, IUPAC Recommendations  2  000,  e  ds.
                           J.A. M  cCleverty and N.G. Connelly, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001. (Red Book II.)
                       20. Nomenclature of Organometallic Compounds  o f  t he Transition Elements, A. Salzer,
                           Pure Appl. Chem., 71, 1 557–1585  ( 1999).
                       21. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, IUPAC  R ecommendations, e ds. W.H. Powell and
                           H. Favre, Royal Society of Chemistry, in preparation. [See also, Nomenclature of
                           Organic Chemistry, P ergamon Press, O  xford, 1979; A  G  uide to IUPAC Nomenclature
                           of Organic Compounds, Recommendations  1 993,  e ds. R. Panico, W.H. Powell and
                           J.-C. Richer, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1993; and corrections in Pure
                           Appl. Chem., 71, 1 327–1330  ( 1999)].
                       22. Names for Inorganic Radicals, W.H. K oppenol, Pure Appl. Chem., 72, 4 37–446 (2000).
                       23. Principles o f C hemical N omenclature, A  G uide to IUPAC Recommendations, G .J. L eigh,
                           H.A. Favre  a nd W.V. Metanomski, B lackwell Scientific  P ublications, Oxford, 1 998.
                       24. Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, f or IUBMB, C. Lie ´becq, Portland
                           Press Ltd., London, 1992. (The White Book.)
                       25. Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature, IUPAC Definitive  R ules, 1 997, Third  E dn.,
                           J. Inczedy, T. Lengyel and A.M. U re, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1998.
                           (The Orange Book.)
                       26. Compendium of Macromolecular Nomenclature,  e d. W.V. Metanomski,  B  lackwell
                           Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1991. (The Purple B ook. The second e dition is planned
                           for publication in 2005). See also Glossary of Basic Terms in Polymer Science,
                           A.D. Jenkins, P. Kratochvı ´l, R.F.T. Stepto and U.W. Suter, Pure Appl. Chem., 68,
                           2287–2311  (  1996);  N  omenclature of Regular  S  ingle-strand Organic  P  olymers,
                           J. Kahovec, R.B. Fox and K. Hatada, Pure Appl. Chem., 74, 1 921–1956  ( 2002).
                       27. Glossary of Terms used in Bioinorganic Chemistry, M.W.G.  d e  B  olster, Pure Appl.
                           Chem., 69, 1 251–1303 (1997).
                       28. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, IUPAC Recommendations, S econd Edn., eds.
                           A.D. McNaught  a nd A. Wilkinson, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1997.
                           (The Gold Book.)
                       29. Quantities,UnitsandSymbolsinPhysicalChemistry, S econdEdn.,eds.I.Mills,T.Cvitas,
                           K. Homann, N . K allay and K. Kuchitsu, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1993.
                           (The Green Book. The third edition is planned for publication in 2005).
                       30. Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds,  T  .E. Sloan,  V  ol. 1, Chapter 3,
                           Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry, P ergamon Press, 1 987; Inorganic Chemical
                           Nomenclature, P rinciples and Practice, B .P. Block, W.H. Powell and W.C. Fernelius,
                           American Chemical  S  ociety, Washington, DC, 1990; Chemical Nomenclature,
                           K.J. T hurlow, Kluwer Academic Pub., 1998.

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