Page 16 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 16

IR-1.5                  G E N E R A L  A  I M  S ,  F  U N C T I O N S  A N D  M  E T H O D S

                           3. 1,5-dicarba-closo-pentaborane(5), B 3 C 2 H 5 (CH replacing BH)

                           4. stiborodithioic acid, H 3 SbO 2 S 2

                       Subtractive operations are also regarded as part of the machinery of substitutive

                           5. 4,5-dicarba-9-debor-closo-nonaborate(2 ), [B 6 C 2 H 8 ] 2   (loss of BH)

           IR-  Additive  n omenclature
                       Additive nomenclature treats a  c ompound or species as a  c ombination of a  c entral atom or
                       central atoms with associated ligands. The  p articular additive system used for coordination
                       compounds ( see Chapter I R-9) is sometimes known as coordination nomenclature although
                       it may be used for much  w  ider classes of compounds, as demonstrated for inorganic  a cids
                       (Chapter IR-8) and organometallic compounds (Chapter IR-10) and for a  l arge number of
                       simple molecules and ions named in Table IX. Another additive system is well suited for
                       naming chains and rings (Section IR-7.4; s ee Example 6  b elow).
                         Rules within these s ystems provide ligand names and guidelines for the order of citation
                       of ligand names and central atom names, designation of charge or unpaired electrons on
                       species,  d esignation of point(s) of ligation in complicated ligands,  d esignation of spatial
                       relationships, etc.


                           1. PCl 3 , t richloridophosphorus
                           2. [CoCl 3 (NH 3 ) 3 ], triamminetrichloridocobalt
                           3. H 3 SO 4 ( ¼ [SO(OH) 3 ] ), trihydroxidooxidosulfur(1þ)

                           4. [Pt(Z -C 2 H 4 )Cl 3 ] , t richlorido(Z -ethene)platinate(1 )
                           5. HONH , h ydridohydroxidonitrogen( * )
                           6.                          S   1  S
                                                    S  12  N     S
                                                   S      13 S    S 4
                                                    S     N      S
                                                       S   7  S
                                            1,7-diazyundecasulfy-[012.1 ]dicycle
           IR-  General naming procedures

                       The three basic nomenclature systems  m  ay provide different but unambiguous names for a
                       given compound, as demonstrated for PCl 3 above.
                         The choice between t he three systems depends o n t he class of inorganic c ompound under
                       consideration and the degree  o f d etail one wishes to communicate. The following examples
                       further illustrate typical aspects that need to be considered before deciding on a  n ame.

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