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24.6. STRONG FIELDS                                                185     186                                               CHAPTER 24. PERFORMANCE

       Table 24.1: Singlet/triplet excitation energies in the helium and beryllium atoms, calculated from the exact Kohn-Sham
       potential by using approximate xc kernels (in millihartrees), and using the lowest 34 unoccupied orbitals of s and p symmetry
       for He, and the lowest 38 unoccupied orbitals of s, p, and d symmetry for Be. Exact values from Ref. [?] for He and from
       Ref. [?] for Be.
                              Singlet/triplet shifts
                  ALDA       X       SIC    hybrid   exact
            ω KS
                 Transitions from the 1s state in He atom
        2s  746.0  22/-11  20/-25   19/-16  14/-19   12/-18
        3s  839.2 6.9/-2.4  5.8/-4.9  5.6/-3.6  5.1/-4.6  3.3/-4.2
        4s  868.8 3.1/-0.9  2.5/-1.7  2.4/-1.3  2.4/-2.0  1.3/-1.6
        5s  881.9 1.6/-0.4  1.3/-0.8  1.3/-0.6  1.3/-1.0  0.6/-0.8
        6s  888.8 1.0/-0.3  0.8/-0.5  0.7/-0.4  0.8/-0.7  0.4/-0.5
        2p  777.2 -0.8/-7.4  7.2/-8.4  6.1/ 0.2  2.7/-3.4  2.7/-6.6
        3p  847.6 0.7/-1.9  2.5/-2.3  2.2/-0.5  1.4/-1.3  1.0/-2.0
        4p  872.2 0.4/-0.7  1.1/-0.9  1.0/-0.2  0.6/-0.5  0.5/-0.8
        5p  883.6 0.2/-0.4  0.6/-0.5  0.5/-0.1  0.4/-0.3  0.2/-0.4
        6p  889.8 0.1/-0.3  0.3/-0.3  0.3/-0.1  0.2/-0.2  0.1/-0.3
        err  57     32       31       29      12       -
                 Transitions from the 2s state in Be atom
        3s  244.4 7.1/-5.7 10.9/-10.6 10.3/-1.4 6.6/-4.6  4.7/-7.1
        4s  295.9 2.5/-1.6  3.6/-2.5  3.5/-0.6  2.6/-1.6  1.4/-2.0
        5s  315.3 1.1/-0.7  1.7/-1.0  1.6/-0.3  1.2/-0.7  0.6/-0.9
        6s  324.7 0.6/-0.4  0.9/-0.5  0.9/-0.2  0.7/-0.4  0.3/-0.5
        2p  132.7  56/-42  55/-133  53/-53  10/-88   61/-32
        3p  269.4 2.0/-4.3  6.4/-4.2  5.6/ 1.1  4.2/-2.8  4.8/-1.5
        4p  304.6 0.3/-1.4  2.1/-1.2  1.9/ 0.3  1.3/-0.8  1.7/-4.1
        5p  319.3 0.1/-0.6  1.0/-0.5  0.9/ 0.1  0.6/-0.2  0.2/ 0.0
        6p  326.9 0.0/-0.4  0.5/-0.3  0.4/ 0.0  0.3/-0.2  0.1/-0.1
        3d  283.3 -5.4/-2.8  1.8/-2.0  0.9/ 3.2  -1.4/ 1.2 10.3/-0.6
        4d  309.8 -1.4/-1.1  0.8/-0.9  0.5/ 0.9  -0.2/ 0.6  3.6/-0.2
        err  138    56      144       73      136      -
       err’  45     41       37       44      29       -
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98