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21.3. OPTICAL RESPONSE                                             169     170                                            CHAPTER 21. TIME-DEPENDENCE
         When discussing first-order perturbation theory, it is always useful to define response func-  21.4  Questions about time-dependent quantum mechanics
       tions of the system at hand. A well-known one is the Green’s function, which, for a one-
       electron system, may be written in operator form as                         1. If a system is in a linear combination of two eigenstates, does its density change?
                                            ˆ (−1)
                                  G(z) = (z − H)                       (21.37)     2. Calculate the oscillator strengths for a particle in a box, and show that they satisfy the
                                                                                     Thomas-Reich Kuhn sum rule.
       where z is a complex number with positive imaginary part, and boundary conditions are  3. Calculate the imaginary part of the frequency-dependent susceptibility of the 1d H-atom.
       chosen so that G(x, x ) vanishes at large distances, just like the bound-states. In real space,
       G satisfies the differential equation:                                        4. Calculate the transmission and reflection amplitudes of the 1d H-atom, assuming a par-
                                                                                     ticle incident from the left.
                        <  1           =
                         − ∇ + v(r) − z G(rr ; z) = δ (r − br )        (21.38)
                           2                                                       5. Calculate the retarded green’s function for the 1d H-atom.
       Formally, one may write G in terms of sums over the eigenstates             6. Using the first two levels of the particle in a box, calculate the Rabi frequency, and
                                                                                     compare its time evolution with that of Fig X.
                                        - φ (r) φ i (r )
                               G(rr ; z) =          .                  (21.39)     7. Show how a harmonic oscillator evolves in a time-dependent electric field.
                                         i   z − & i
                                                                                   8. Calculate the oscillator strengths for the harmonic oscillator, and show that they satisfy
       Note that the Green’s function is ill-defined whenever its argument matches that of an eigen-
       value. In such cases, we define                                                the Thomas-Reich Kuhn sum rule.
                               G (rr , λ) = G(rr , λ ± iη)             (21.40)
       where + refers to the retarded Green’s function, while − refers to the advanced one. When
       Fourier-transformed, the Green’s function yields the time-evolution of any initial state, for a
       time-independent Hamiltonian:
                                1    1
                                                       # #
                                   3 #
                         Ψ(rt) =  d r  dt G (rr , t − t ) Ψ(r t )      (21.41)
                              ˆ +
                              G (t − t ) = exp(−iH(t − t ))            (21.42)
         Simple expression for G in terms of L and R phi.
         Relate density matrix to equal-time G
         Define χ and discuss meaning
         Relate χ and G for non-interacting systems.
         Relate pair density to equal-time χ.
       21.3  Optical response
       Define polarizability, static and dynamic.
         Define oscillator strength.
         Define optical spectrum.
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