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• A great old one that demonstrates the unity of quantum is Morisson...
Appendix D
Further reading
Chapter 1
There are now a variety of sources to choose from to learn about density functional theory
in general.
• Perhaps the best overview comes from a recent summer school, A Primer in Density
Functional Theory, ed. C. Fiolhais, F. Nogueira, and M. Marques (Springer-Verlag, NY,
• A good general-purpose book for solid-state physicists about electronic structure is
Richard Martin’s book. Another is Vignale’s.
• For chemists, a very useful guide is A chemist’s guide to density functional theory, W.
Koch and M.C. Holthausen, (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2000). Part A deals with theory,
while part B has a very useful survey of properties and how well approximations do for
• A standard in physics for many years has been: R.M. Dreizler and E.K.U. Gross, Density
Functional Theory (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990). This is very careful and rigorous,
but uses some higher-level physics concepts.
• In chemistry, we have Density Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules, R.G. Parr
and W. Yang (Oxford, New York, 1989), which includes many concepts particularly useful
for chemistry, such as reactivitity theory.
• A nice discussion of using Kohn-Sham orbitals to understand chemistry appears in A
quantum chemical view of density functional theory, E.J. Baerends and O.V. Gritsenko,
J. Phys. Chem. A 101, 5383 (1997).
Chapter 3
There are many books on basic quantum mechanics.
• The one I enjoy the most is Griffiths..