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216  Burns

        by sepsis and pneumonia. Ventilator-associated lung injury may be an   of the urine may be necessary (add bicarbonate to the IV fluid). When
        important contributing iatrogenic factor.              available,  electrocardiogram  (ECG)  monitoring  and  measurement
        Fluid Resuscitation                                    of  cardiac  muscle  enzymes  and  urine  myoglobin  levels  are  useful
        Advancements in fluid resuscitation of critically burned patients have   indicators  of  muscle  damage.  Urine  output  is  the  single  most  useful
        made a major impact on patients’ survival and have led to a general   index of adequate intravascular replacement. In this regard, systemic
        decrease in complication rates. Burn injury leads to a combination of   blood pressure (BP) and central venous pressure (CVP) are unreliable.
        hypovolaemic and distributive shock by means of generalised micro-  However, an overaggressive protocol may lead to complications, such
        vascular injury and interstitial third-space fluid accumulation.   as  compartment  syndromes  and  pulmonary  oedema.  Serial  serum
           Fluid  resuscitation  formulas  are  based  on  the  child’s  weight  and   potassium and sodium levels are needed to monitor electrolyte changes.
        percentage of the TBSA burned. The goal is to replace ongoing fluid    Secondary Survey
        losses  during  the  early  postburn  period.  For  burns  larger  than  15%   Following initial resuscitation, a detailed history and head-to-toe exami-
        TBSA, significant fluid losses occur and must be replaced aggressively.   nation should be conducted. The possibility of associated nonburn inju-
        The most widely used fluid regimen is probably the Parkland formula   ries or a precipitating event (e.g., epilepsy) should always be considered.
        or  one  of  its  several  adaptations.  Numerous  resuscitation  formulae   History
        are in use as guides to the initial resuscitation in hypovolaemic shock
        following thermal injury. Most use various combinations of crystalloid   In  addition  to  the  history  obtained  during  the  primary  survey,  more
        and colloid solutions, but they differ widely in the ratio of crystalloid   detailed information is needed to determine:
        to  colloid  as  well  as  the  rate  of  administration.  Most  formulae  give   • the cause of the burn injury (hot liquid, hot object, chemical, open
        approximately 0.52 mmol of sodium/kg body weight per % TBSA burn.   flame, etc.);
        Although  no  single  fluid  replacement  formula  is  perfect,  physicians   • the time since injury;
        should aim for a urine output of 1.0–2.0 ml/kg body weight per hour.
        This is proof of adequate resuscitation and perfusion.  • the duration and location of contact/exposure (a closed-space flame
           With  the  Parkland  formula,  the  child  is  given  2–4  ml/kg  per  %   burn suggests a coexistent inhalation injury);
        TBSA burn over the first 24 hours, with half administered in the first   • any preexisting medical conditions, such as epilepsy, diabetes, men-
        8 hours and the second half in the next 16 hours. Different physiologic   tal handicap, and so forth;
        demands in children of various ages and the size of the burn require   • other coexisting injuries; and
        even  more  modification  of  the  guideline  formula.  For  children  with
        burns of more than 15% TBSA and weight less than 20 kg, an additional   • a vaccination history.
        maintenance fluid containing glucose should be administered.  Physical Examination
           For burns of less than 10% TBSA, oral fluids or maintenance (IV)
        fluid  are  usually  sufficient.  Children  with  burns  between  10%  and   Assessment  of  the  burn  wound  should  include  the  age,  height,  and
        15% TBSA  generally  respond  appropriately  to  1.5  times  the  normal   weight of the patient; the depth of the burn wound; the extent (total
        calculated  maintenance  fluid.  Maintenance  glucose  infusion  should   body service area) of the burn; and the anatomical location of the injury.
        be given to children younger than 2 years of age, as they may easily   Age, height, and weight
        become hypoglycemic due to limited glycogen stores.    The age, height, weight, and calculated TBSA are needed to determine
           Frequent  measurements  of  vital  signs,  hourly  urine  output,  and   the appropriate doses of fluid and medications.
        observation of general mental and physical response are best used to   Depth of burn
        judge  the  adequacy  of  resuscitation.  If  available,  monitoring  of  the   The depth of the burn may be determined by clinical wound inspection
        central  venous  pressure  is  also  a  helpful  guide  to  the  adequacy  of   and the pinprick test (see Table 33.1). The depth of the burn is the pri-
        intravascular volume.
                                                               mary determinant of the patient’s long-term appearance and function. It
           Children  require  more  fluid  for  burn  shock  resuscitation  than  do
                                                               is critical to differentiate between superficial and deep second-degree
        adults with similar burns. The presence of inhalation injury increases
                                                               burns. Whereas superficial second-degree burns heal within 2–3 weeks,
        the fluid requirements for resuscitation from burn shock after thermal
                                                               deep  second-degree  burns  require  early  tangential  excision  and  skin
        injury.  Continuous  colloid  replacement  may  be  required  to  maintain
                                                               grafting  to  permit  relatively  uncomplicated  healing  and  a  return  to
        colloid oncotic pressure in very large burns and in the paediatric burn
                                                               normal life.
        patient. Serum albumin levels should be maintained above 2.0 g/dl.
                                                               Extent of burn
        Failure of Burn Shock Resuscitation
                                                               The extent of the burn surface involved is determined by careful obser-
        In some patients, failure of burn shock resuscitation still occurs despite
                                                               vation, and should be graphically represented to aid in diagnosis, treat-
        administration of massive volumes of fluid. Such patients are charac-
                                                               ment, prognosis, and epidemiologic surveillance. It is calculated as a
        terised by extreme age, extensive tissue trauma, major electrical injury,
                                                               percent of total body surface area (% TBSA) using any of the following:
        major inhalation injury, a delay in initiating adequate fluid resuscita-
                                                                • Wallace’s “rule of nines” (Table 33.2), which allows rapid estimation;
        tion,  or  underlying  disease  that  limits  metabolic  and  cardiovascular
        reserve. In such patients, refractory burn shock and resuscitation fail-  • Lund and Browder normogram for a more precise estimation (this
        ure remain major causes of early mortality. Additional data implicate   table is described in several references);
        a  myocardial  depressant  factor  as  a  contributor  to  early  burn  shock,
                                                                • the “rule of tens”, which is more appropriate for estimation of pae-
        despite adequate volume resuscitation.
                                                                 diatric burns; or
           The Parkland formula, discussed in the last subsection, is well known
        and  is  used  as  an  example  in  this  chapter.  Crystalloids  are  preferred   • the patient’s palm (~ 1% of their body surface area), which is useful
        with this formula, as they are also cheaper than other fluids, but some   for children with smaller burns.
        centres use colloids or even hypertonic saline. Because of the increased   Anatomical location
        capillary leak, colloids may potentially worsen postburn oedema.
                                                               The location of burns has an important bearing on specific treatment,
           In electrical injuries (high-voltage, including lightning strikes), the
                                                               reconstruction, and rehabilitation. The hands, feet, face, eyelids, perine-
        goal for urine output should be 2.0 ml/kg per hour, and alkalinisation
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