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168  Paediatric Injury Scoring and Trauma Registry
        Trauma and ISS                                         Table 26.8: CRAMS scale.
        The TRISS is a combination of the physiologic data in the RTS (and,   Clinical
        less commonly, the TS) and anatomic data in the ISS to estimate the   parameter  Parameter category  Coded value
        probability  of  survival  for  a  given  trauma  patient.   The  probability   Normal capillary refill, SBP >100 mm Hg  2
        of survival [P(s)] for any one patient is determined by the formula. 1,2,3
                                                                              Delayed capillary refill, SBP 85–100
                                                                Circulation                                  1
                           P(s) = 1/(1 + e ),                                 mm Hg
                                                                              No capillary refill or SBP <85 mm Hg  0
        where b = b  + b (TS or RTS) + b (ISS) + b (age factor). The b coef-
                 0   1            2      3
        ficients (b , b , b , and b ) are derived from logistic regression analysis
                0  1  2   3                                                   Normal                         2
        of patients in the Major Trauma Outcome Study (MTOS) data base.
        These coefficients are different for blunt and penetrating trauma. The   Respiration  Abnormal (laboured or shallow)  1
        age factor (or age index, as used by other authors) is zero for all patients
        aged <55 years and 1 for all patients aged ≥55 years.  If the patient is   Absent                    0
        younger than 15 years of age, the blunt index for b  is used regardless of   Abdomen and thorax nontender  2
        mechanism. Values for P(s) range from 0, for no survival expectation,
        to 1.00 for 100% survival expectation.  Generally, survivors have a P(s)   Abdomen/thorax  Abdomen and thorax tender  1
        ≥ 0.5, and nonsurvivors have a P(s) < 0.5. Trauma fatalities with a P(s)   Abdomen and thorax rigid, flail chest, or
        < 0.5, by convention, are defined as expected outcomes, and fatalities   penetrating trauma          0
        with a P(s) ≥ 0.5 are unexpected outcomes. This terminology is impor-  Normal                        2
        tant for quality evaluation of trauma care. There is also the Paediatric
        Age-Adjusted TRISS, which simply uses the paediatric Age Specific   Motor  Responds only to pain (other than   1
        PTS instead of the RTS, but this is not yet in wide use by investigators.
           The drawbacks of the TRISS are primarily related to the component   No response (or decerebrate)  0
        scoring systems that form its basis: the RTS (or TS or PTS) and the   Normal                         2
        ISS. It is also not easy to compute due to a complex logistic regression
        formula  used  to  calculate  P(s).   Despite  all  these  limitations, TRISS   Speech  Confused     1
        is the most validated and commonly used trauma mortality prediction
        model  to  date,  and  its  methodology  has  been  shown  to  perform   No intelligible words       0
        reasonably well for both adult and paediatric trauma patients. 1
        ASCOT                                                  Table 26.9: Paediatric Trauma Score.
        The developers of ASCOT designed it as a mortality prediction model
        to  improve  on  the  limitations  of  the  TRISS.  ASCOT  uses  the  AP   Clinical parameter  Severity category  Score value
        instead of the ISS for the description of an anatomic injury.  It also uses   Weight  ≥ 20 kg       +2
        separate algorithms for blunt and penetrating trauma. ASCOT takes into
        account each injury within a given body region by using the AP and,       10–19 kg                  +1
        as such, better represents the increased mortality risk associated with   <10 kg                    -1
        multiple injuries.  The AP, as used in ASCOT, divides serious injuries
        (AIS > 2) into three categories—head, brain or spinal cord injuries; tho-  Airway  Normal           +2
        rax or neck injuries; and all other serious injuries. Note that nonserious   Maintainable           +1
        injuries (AIS of 1 or 2) are not significantly associated with mortality
        and are therefore dropped from ASCOT calculations.                        Unmaintainable            -1
           Like the TRISS, ASCOT relies on the RTS to provide physiologic   Systolic blood pressure*  >90 mm Hg  +2
        data but advocates the use of the individual components of the RTS
        rather than the total RTS score. It derives a measure of the probability   50–90 mm Hg              +1
        of survival by combining values of the GCS, SBP, and RR as coded          <50 mm Hg                 -1
        by the RTS, patient age (0 for all paediatric patients) and the AP.  P(s)
        using ASCOT is calculated similarly to the TRISS by employing the   Central nervous system  Awake   +2
        following formula: 1,2
                                                                                  Obtunded/loss of consciousness  +1
                            P(s) = 1/(1 +e ),
                                                                                  Coma/decerebrate          -1
        where k = k  + k (RTS GCS value) + k (RTS SBP value) + k (RTS RR
                 1  2               3               4           Open wound
        value) + k (AP head region value) + k (AP thorax region value) + k (AP    None                      +2
               5                   6                    7
        other serious injury value) + k (age factor).
                              8                                                   Minor                     +1
           The  k  coefficients  for  blunt  and  penetrating  injuries  are  all
        derived from the MTOS data base and can be found in the literature.       Major or penetrating      -1
        ASCOT is more cumbersome to compute than the TRISS but appears   Skeletal injury
        to  be  more  accurate  at  predicting  trauma  mortality,  especially  for   None                  +2
        penetrating injuries.                                                     Closed fracture           +1
           Table  26.10  demonstrates  example  calculations  of  some  of  the
        trauma scores by using a single hypothetical case scenario: A 13-year-    Open or multiple fractures  -1
        old boy, weighing 35 kilograms, was standing by the side of the road
        and was struck by a moving vehicle, hitting his head against the edge of   *In the absence of a proper-sized blood pressure cuff, BP can be assessed by
                                                               assigning the following values:  presence of palpable pulse at the wrist = +2;
        a gutter. On arrival at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department   presence of a palpable pulse at the groin = +1; absence of pulse = –1.
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