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152  HIV/AIDS and the Paediatric Surgeon

           Confirmation of HIV infection in babies can be difficult  because   3.  The patient may be referred for assistance in diagnosis of lymph
        routine antibody tests may detect a maternally derived antibody that   node enlargement, particularly the differentiation between lymphoma
        can persist for up to 18 months in the absence of active viral disease,   and tuberculosis in an HIV-infected individual.
        and therefore polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing is necessary. 23  4.  The patient may present de novo with an AIDS-defining pathology,
           In  many  countries,  blood  transfusion  remains  a  hazard  due  to   such as spontaneous rectovaginal fistula,  33,34  or neonatal CMV
        inadequate  screening  of  donors,  and  children  requiring  multiple   enteritis,  among others.
        transfusions  of  blood  or  blood  products  (e.g.,  haemophiliacs  or
        sicklers), are at particular risk. 24, 25              5.  The patient may be a neonate with an emergency condition, born
           In addition, a myth that HIV can be cured by having sex with young girls   to an HIV-infected mother, in whom the HIV status cannot be rapidly
        has increased the spread of the virus through rape and other sexual abuse. 26  determined, or may be an older child with an emergency in whom the
                                                               status cannot be determined.
                      Risk to Health Workers                     The  merit  of  the  dictum  that  all  patients,  irrespective  of  age  or
        Occupational infection with HIV is rare amongst health care workers.   clinical  diagnosis,  should  be  regarded  as  HIV  positive  is  clear,  and
        Certain categories of health workers (e.g., surgeons, dentists, and oper-  “universal  precautions”  against  needle-stick  and  contact  with  body
        ating theatre staff) are at greater risk, but even following documented   fluids should become routine.
        needle stick injury and exposure to blood from HIV positive patients   It is apparent that asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals carry no
        this risk is small.  This is not to say that sensible precautions should   greater surgical risk than noninfected patients, either in the general ward
        not be taken. The risk of seroconversion can be minimised by postexpo-  or the intensive care unit (ICU).  Other than referral for subsequent
        sure prophylaxis with zidovudine.  Employers are required to provide   antiviral treatment no modification of surgical protocol is required.
        adequate protection to employees, and all staff should be aware of the   In  symptomatic  patients,  it  is  important  to  remember  that  it  is  the
        local policy for postexposure prophylaxis and report all injuries.    patient  who  requires  treatment,  not  merely  his  surgical  pathology.
                      Stages of the Disease                    Any  treatment  plan  must  be  modified  according  to  the  clinical  and
        Like many malignant diseases the principles of management depend   haematological status of the patient, but it is the clinical status of the
                                                               patient that should determine the management approach, not the patient’s
        upon the stage of disease. In HIV/AIDS, the stage of disease is deter-  HIV  status.  Patients  in  a  poor  clinical  condition  should  not  undergo
        mined by CD4 counts, the percentage of the total lymphocyte count   elective surgery, no matter what their HIV status. Patients who are well
        represented by CD4  cells, the viral load, and, most important, the gen-  should be offered surgery as needed, no matter what their HIV status.
        eral condition of the patient.  It must be remembered that children nor-  Symptomatic  HIV-infected  patients  exhibit  a  spectrum  of  clinical
        mally have higher CD4 counts than adults, but this count declines with   conditions from apparently well to moribund. Generally speaking, the
        age, making absolute numbers difficult to interpret;  thus, the count is   least  possible  surgical  intervention  should  be  performed  that  “buys
        usually expressed as a percentage of the total lymphocyte count.  HIV-  time”  for  the  patient’s  general  condition  to  be  improved  by  medical
        infected children may be identified by a low CD4 count and decreasing   interventions.  Surgeons  have  been  making  these  determinations  for
        percentage count as early as 3 months after birth. 31  generations,  long  before  the  HIV  pandemic  arose;  however,  a  new
           The formal diagnosis of AIDS requires the application of criteria   critical factor in management decisions is the availability of antiviral
        established by the World Health Organization (WHO; see Table 24.1)   therapy for the patient. Untreated AIDS remains a lethal disease.
        or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In children,   Thus,  an  asymptomatic  HIV-infected  individual  with  an
        unfortunately,  these  criteria  are  neither  precise  nor  predictive,   and   uncomplicated inguinal hernia would be a candidate for an immediate
        they are constantly being revised to include both clinical and laboratory   herniotomy. A similar patient who has AIDS, severe wasting, candidiasis,
        parameters. Resources for the laboratory confirmation of HIV infection   encephalopathy, and any other comorbidity might be better served by a
        are  not  universal  in  developing  countries,  however,  so  a  clinical   period of medical treatment that may include antiviral treatment.
        approach is more generally useful, although difficult to quantify.
                                                                               Antiviral Treatment
        Table 24.1: World Health Organization temporary definition of AIDS in
        developing countries (the Bangui definition).          Antiviral treatment is not without hazard, which is why it should be
                                                               offered  only  within  a  structured  programme  that  includes  long-term
                Major criteria           Minor criteria        follow-up  and  continued  supervision.  It  should  be  remembered  that
            Weight loss or slow weight gain  Generalised lymphadenopathy  HIV treatment is lifelong; this fact must be emphasized to caregivers
            Chronic diarrhoea (more than 1   Oro-pharyngeal candidiasis  who tend to discontinue treatment when wellness has been achieved.
                   month)          Repeated common infections (e.g., otitis)  Failure to continue with treatment may increase the incidence of viral
             Fever (more than 1 month)   Persistent cough      resistance to therapy, and this fear forms the basis for the strict criteria
                                         Pruritic dermatitis   with which patients must comply before starting therapy. 37
                                     Confirmed maternal HIV infection  Each of the commonly used antiviral drugs has a specific toxicity
                                                               profile,  and  continued  surveillance  for  toxic  effects  is  mandatory.
                                                               Initiation of treatment may also result in clinical deterioration due to
                        Surgical Approach                      the  immune  reconstitution  inflammatory  syndrome  (IRIS).   Whilst
        The paediatric surgeon may encounter HIV positive patients in a num-  the exact pathogenesis of IRIS is unknown, it is clearly related to the

        ber of scenarios:                                      severity of immunosuppression at the time of the initiation of antiviral
                                                               therapy.   As  the  patient’s  immune  function  is  restored,  the  CD4
        1.  The patient may present with an unrelated pathology such as   count rises, the viral load falls, and there is restoration of pathogen-
        inguinal hernia, and may be coincidentally HIV infected. The   specific immunity. This may recognise viable organisms, particularly
        immediate management of the patient will depend upon the stage of   tuberculosis,  but  also  other  pathogens,  and  in  some  patients  an
        the HIV disease.
                                                               associated inflammatory response results in rapid clinical deterioration
        2.  The patient may present, unaware of his or her HIV status, for   and,  in  some  cases,  death.   This  condition  was  well  recognised  by
        management of a disorder that is likely to be HIV related, such as   physicians managing patients with disseminated tuberculosis in the pre-
        tuberculosis or fasciitis. Such patients should be offered serological   AIDS era, but appears to be more common in HIV-infected individuals.
        testing so that antiviral therapy can be provided if necessary.  In  HIV-infected  patients  with  tuberculosis,  it  is  recommended  that
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