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                           Surgical Complications of

                                            Typhoid Fever

                                                      Emmanuel A. Ameh
                                                     Francis A. Abantanga

                             Introduction                        Table 17.1: Age and sex of typhoid perforation and perforation rate in children.
          Typhoid fever is a common infection that has continued to be a public   Number of typhoid perforations            Typhoid perforation rate
                                            1, 2
          health problem in many developing countries,  particularly in areas   (1987-1996)        (over 5 years)
          with poor sanitation and limited availability of clean, potable water.   Age   Sex  Total   Number   Total   Perforation
          The surgical complications of typhoid fever are a cause of significant   (years)  cases   of typhoid   number of   rate (%)
          morbidity and mortality in children in many parts of Africa, particular-  Boys  Girls  (%)  cases  perforations
          ly in sub-Saharan Africa. The management of intestinal perforation,        <1  1  —  1 (1.6)  25  1  4.0
          which  is  the  most  common  surgical  complication,  has  posed  a  dif-
          ficult challenge due to its high morbidity and mortality. A controversy   1–4   1  2  3 (4.7)  120  2  1.7
          remains regarding what should be the best and most effective surgical   5–9  25  18  43 (67.2)  194  24  12.4
          option for treating these intestinal perforations.       10–12  7    10   17 (26.6)  41      12      29.3
                            Demographics                           Total  34   30   64 (100)  380      39      10.3
          The World Health Organization (WHO) conservatively puts the annual   Source:  Adapted with kind permission from Annals of Tropical Paediatrics and International Child
          global incidence of typhoid fever at 21 million cases, with 1–4% mor-  Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
          tality.  The  disease  predominantly  affects  school-age  children  (5–15
          years of age), although it does occur in younger children. 2
            Children account for more than 50% of all cases of typhoid intestinal
          perforation  (TIP),  which  is  the  commonest  severe  complication  of
          typhoid,  with a peak age incidence of 5–9 years. Unlike typhoid fever
          in  adults,  which  predominantly  affects  males,   boys  and  girls  are
          equally affected. 5,6
            The overall perforation rate of typhoid in children is about 10%,
          but the perforation rate appears to increase with age, reaching a high
          of 30% by age 12 years (Table 17.1).
            Typhoid  fever,  with  or  without  intestinal  perforation,  appears  to
          occur year round,  but with a slightly higher incidence in the rainy
          season (Figure 17.1). This is perhaps an indication of the gross defects
          in sanitation and lack of safe potable water.
          Typhoid  infection  is  faeco-oral  in  nature  and  is  due  to  faecal  con-
          tamination of food and water. The infection is caused by the bacteria,
          Salmonella typhi (also known as Salmonella enterica serotype typhi),
          a gram-negative rod found only in humans, and rarely by Salmonella
          paratyphi. The mechanism of transmission and causation of the com-
          mon surgical complications is as shown in the flow chart in Figure 17.2.
                       Surgical Complications
          Typhoid fever is a systemic infection involving virtually all organs to
          varying  degrees.  The  more  common  surgical  complications  include
          intestinal  perforation;  intestinal  bleeding;  cholecystitis  (perforation,
          empyema); osteomyelitis; and abscesses. Rare surgical complications   Source: Reproduced with kind permission from Annals of Tropical Paediatrics and International
                                                                 Child Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
          include  pancreatitis,  hepatic  and  splenic  abscesses,  pleural  effusion,   Figure 17.1: Seasonal distribution of rainfall (top) and typhoid fever in children,
          and orchitis.                                          with and without perforation (bottom).
            Therefore,  the  following  procedures  are  called  for  (note  the
          mnemonic BSU):
           •  Week 1: Take Blood for culture.
           •  Week 2: Take Stool for culture.
           •  Week 3: Take Urine for culture.
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