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Psychological Issues in Paediatric Surgery  87
                      Evidence-Based Research
          Table 14.1 presents evidence-based research on the effect on anxiety of
          using preoperative preparation for parents of elective surgery patients.
          Table 14.1: Evidence-based research.
                       The effect of videotaped preoperative information on
            Title      parental anxiety during anesthesia induction for elective
                       paediatric procedures
            Authors    McEwen A, Moorthy C, Quantock C, Rose H, Kavanagh R
                       The Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick Children, Dyke Road,
                       Brighton, UK
            Reference  Pediatr Anesth 2007; 17:534–539
            Problem    Cost effectiveness of routine antenatal screening.
            Intervention  Preoperative preparation for parents.
            Comparison/  Parents were randomly assigned to either the experimental
            control    group, which was exposed to an 8-minute preoperative
            (quality of   preparation video in addition to normal preoperative
                       procedures; or the control group, which received only the
            edvidence)  normal preoperative preparation.
                       Statistically significant differences were found between
                       parents who were exposed to normal preparation and those
            Outcome/   who, in addition to this, watched an 8-minute video. Parents
                       who watched the video in comparison to controls showed
                       significantly greater reductions in their desire for information
                       as well as their levels of anxiety (as measured by the
                       Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale).
                       This study shows an innovative cost-effective approach
                       to addressing parental anxiety in regard to children who
            Historical   are awaiting surgery. A well-presented 8-minute video had
            significance/  the additional effect of providing answers to questions that
            comments   parents may have had, and a reduction in the desire for
                       information was also evident in this group.

                                                    Key Summary Points

             1.  Many children and their parents experience high levels   6.  Various preparatory programmes exist, but they are
                of distress when awaiting an invasive paediatric surgical   not universally helpful. Programmes need to take into
                procedure.                                         consideration the child’s age, sex, previous hospital
                                                                   experience, and temperament, as well as factors that are
             2.  Anxiety is the most commonly reported stress-related emotion   related to parental status, well-being, and anxiety level.
                that is experienced.
             3.  Preoperative anxiety is associated with a number of negative   7.  Many programmes that have proven effective in a clinical
                                                                   research setting must be effectively transferred to routine
                postsurgical outcomes.
                                                                   clinical settings.
             4.  Many of Africa’s less resourced countries have peculiar   8.  With the peculiarities of the African continent, it is crucial for
                challenges that heighten the level of the anxiety experience.
                                                                   further research to be done in the area of presurgical stress
             5.  Reducing the level of distress is paramount in facilitating   and anxiety.
                postsurgical recovery for the child.             9.  We must raise the bar to every African child having access to a
                                                                   well-thought-out preoperative programme.


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                 Post traumatic stress disorder in paediatric patients and their   Chinese children and their parents. J Clin Nurs 2003; 12:882–887.
                 parents: findings from an exploratory study. J Paed Child Health   5.   LeRoy S, Elixson, EM, O’Brien P, Tong E, Turpin S, Uzark K.
                 1998; 34:539–543.
                                                                     Recommendations for preparing children and adolescents for
             2.   Landolt MA, Vollrath M, Ribi K. Incidence and associations of   invasive cardiac procedures: a statement from the American
                 parental and child posttraumatic stress symptoms in paediatric   Heart Association Pediatric Nursing Subcommittee of the Council
                 patients. J Child Psychol Psychia 2003; 44:1199–1207.  on Cardiovascular Nursing in collaboration with the Council
                                                                     on Cardiovascular Diseases of the Young. Circulation 2003;
             3.   Hug M, Tonz M, Kaiser G. Parental stress in paediatric day-case   108:2550–2564.
                 surgery. Ped Surg Intl 2005; 2:94–99.
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