Page 84 - Asterisk™: The Future of Telephony
P. 84

To allow Zaptel and other device drivers to access the PCI hardware installed in your
               system,  you  must  add  some  rules.  Using  your  favorite  text  editor,  open  up  your
               udevd   rules   file.   On   CentOS,   for   example,   this   file   is   located
               at /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules. Add the following lines to the end of your rules file:

                   # Section for zaptel

                      KERNEL="zapctl",     NAME="zap/ctl"
                      KERNEL="zaptimer",   NAME="zap/timer"
                      KERNEL="zapchannel", NAME="zap/channel"
                      KERNEL="zappseudo",  NAME="zap/pseudo"
                      KERNEL="zap[0-9]*",  NAME="zap/%n"
               Save the file and reboot your system for the settings to take effect.

                           You may not have to actually edit anything in your system, as the Zaptel
                           installation script will try to install the rules for you; however, we have
                           left this here as a reference for those systems that are not automatically

               Loading Zaptel

               The zaptel module must be loaded before any of the other modules are loaded and used.
               Note that if you will be using the zaptel module with PCI hardware, you must config-
               ure /etc/zaptel.conf before you load it. (We will discuss how to configure zaptel.conf for
               use with hardware in Chapter 4.) If you are using zaptel only to access ztdummy, you
               can load it with the modprobe command, as follows:
                   # modprobe zaptel
               If all goes well, you shouldn’t see any output. To verify that the zaptel module loaded
               successfully,  use  the  lsmod  command.  You  should  be  returned  a  line  showing  the
               zaptel module and the amount of memory it is using, as in the following:
                   # lsmod | grep zaptel
                   zaptel                201988  0

               Loading ztdummy

               The ztdummy module is an interface to a device that provides timing, which in turn
               allows Asterisk to provide timing to various applications and functions that require it.
               Use the modprobe command to load the ztdummy module after zaptel has been loaded:
                   # modprobe ztdummy
               If ztdummy loads successfully, no output will be displayed. To verify that ztdummy is
               loaded and is being used by zaptel, use the lsmod command. The following output is
               from a computer running the 2.6 kernel:

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