Page 35 - Asterisk™: The Future of Telephony
P. 35

The Asterisk Mailing Lists
               As with any community, there are places where members of the Asterisk community
               meet to discuss matters of mutual interest. Of the mailing lists you will find at http://
     , these four are currently the most important:

                   Anything commercial with respect to Asterisk belongs in this list. If you’re selling
                   something Asterisk-related, sell it here. If you want to buy an Asterisk service or
                   product, post here.
                   The Asterisk developers hang out here. The purpose of this list is the discussion of
                   the development of the software that is Asterisk, and its participants vigorously
                   defend that purpose. Expect a lot of heat if you post anything to this list not relating
                   to programming or development of the Asterisk code base specifically. General
                   coding questions (such as interfacing with AGI or AMI), should be directed to the
                   Asterisk-Users list.

                              The  Asterisk-Dev  list  is  not  second-level  support!  If  you  scroll
                              through the mailing list archives, you’ll see this is a strict rule. The
                              Asterisk-Dev mailing list is about discussion of core Asterisk de-
                              velopment,  and  questions  about  interfacing  your  external  pro-
                              grams via AGI or AMI should be posted on the Asterisk-Users list.

                   This is where most Asterisk users hang out. This list generates several hundred
                   messages per day and has over ten thousand subscribers. While you can go here
                   for help, you are expected to have done some reading on your own before you post
                   a query.
                   This is where users who are implementing Asterisk on FreeBSD (and other BSD
                   dialects) hang out.

               The Asterisk Wiki

               The Asterisk Wiki (which exists in large part due to the tireless efforts of James Thomp-
               son—thanks James!) is a source of much enlightenment and confusion. A community-
               maintained repository of VoIP knowledge ( contains a truly
               inspiring cornucopia of fascinating, informative, and frequently contradictory infor-
               mation about many subjects, just one of which is Asterisk.
               Since Asterisk documentation forms by far the bulk of the information on this web
               site,  and it probably contains more Asterisk knowledge than all other sources put
               together (with the exception of the mailing-list archives), it is commonly referred to as
               the place to go for Asterisk knowledge.

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