Page 21 - Asterisk™: The Future of Telephony
P. 21

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               Firstly, we have to thank our fantastic editor Michael Loukides, who offered invaluable
               feedback and found incredibly tactful ways to tell us to rewrite a section (or chapter)
               when it was needed, and have us think it was our idea. Mike built us up when we were
               down, and brought us back to earth when we got uppity. You are a master, Mike, and
               seeing how many books have received your editorial oversight contributes to an un-
               derstanding of why O’Reilly Media is the success that it is.
               Thanks also to Sanders Kleinfeld, our copy editor, Laurel Ruma, our production editor,
               and the rest of the unsung heroes in O’Reilly’s production department. These are the
               folks that take our book and make it an O’Reilly book.

               Everyone in the Asterisk community needs to thank Jim Dixon for creating the first
               open source telephony hardware interfaces, starting the revolution, and giving his cre-
               ations to the community at large.

               Thanks to Tim O’Reilly, for giving us a chance to write this book.

                                                                              Preface | xix
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