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SGLT-2 inhibitors

          In the kidneys, two transporter proteins, sodium-glucose co-transport-
          er-1 (SGLT-1) and SGLT-2 are crucial in regulating the reuptake of so-
          dium and glucose back into ultra-filtrated blood.  Inhibiting SGLT-2 has
          been identified as a way of reducing glucose re-uptake and therefore
          reducing blood glucose levels.
          No compounds in this class are currently available on the market. Dapa-
          gliflozin has filed for approval, while canagliflozin/empagliflozin are in
          Phase 3 development. Initial SGLT-2 inhibitor data shows there are no
          excessive  losses  of  fluid,  sodium,  or  potassium;  very  low  risk  of  hypo-
          glycaemia; significant reductions in HbA  (~0.7%) modest weight loss
          (1 to 4 kg) and a lowering of systolic blood pressure (1 to 4 mmHg). 72-
          75   Potential  drawbacks  of  SGLT-2  inhibition  include  a  slight  increase
          in  urine  volume  and  a  tendency  to  increase  urinary  tract  infections
          and genital mycosis. The latter drawback is thought to be due to the
          increased levels of glucose in the urine, which supports the growth of
          yeasts, etc. Table 5 presents a ‘SWOT’ analysis of the SGLT-2 inhibitors.

          Table 5. SGLT-2 inhibitors – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

           Strengths                         Weaknesses

           z  Novel mode of action           z  Not yet supported by a large body of late phase
                                              clinical data
           z  Orally active
           z  Insulin-independent mode of action  z  Increase in urine volume
                                              Increase in urinary tract/genital infections
           z  Associated with modest weight loss  z  No data on long-term inhibition of SGLT-2
           z  Associated with a low incidence of hypoglycaemia  z  SGLT-2 inhibition is an unknown quantity in T2DM
           z  Lower systolic blood pressure  z  management
           z  High selectivity – SGLT-2 not found in other tissues   High selectivity – effects on other important disease
                                              management parameters may be limited
           Opportunities                     Threats
           z  T2DM management is moving beyond simple   z  New compounds with novel modes of action
            glycaemic parameters              emerging
           z  The position of many OADs is being eroded by   z  Long term consequences of higher glucose levels
            safety concerns (e.g. SUs, TZDs)  in the urine
           z  Patient-centric treatment is increasingly important

   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98