Page 10 - Organogold Reactivity with Palladium, Nickel, and Rhodium: Transmetalation, Cross-Coupling, and Dual Catalysis
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Organogold Dual Metal Catalysis Hirner et al.

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          Joshua J. Hirner was born in 1986 in Hannibal, Missouri.  9 Gorin, D. J.; Sherry, B. D.; Toste, F. D. Ligand Effects in Homogeneous Au Catalysis. Chem.
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          Barbara K. Kramer. He is currently a graduate student working with  690,5441–5460.
          Professor Suzanne A. Blum to investigate the combined reactivity  11 For two early examples of Au(I)/Au(III) cross-coupling using Selectfluor as an oxidant, see:
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          Yili Shi was born in Jilin, China in 1984. He received his B.S. in  Wang, Y.; Zhang, L. Homogeneous Gold-Catalyzed Oxidative Carboheterofunctionalization
          Chemistry (2005) from the University of California, Berkeley, working  of Alkenes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 1474–1475.
          in the lab of Professor Jonathan A. Ellman. He is currently a Ph.D.  12 Akiyama, K.; Catellani, M.; Fu, G. C.; Guit an, E.; Hatano, M.; Larock, R. C.; Ma, S.; Mikami,
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